Rational Application Developer 7.5 Programming Guide - WebSphere Portal v6.1
Chapter 1. Introduction
- Concepts
- IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform
- Eclipse and IBM Rational Software Delivery Platform
- Eclipse Project
- Eclipse Software Developer Kit (SDK)
- Application development challenges
- Product packaging
- Rational Developer supported platforms and databases
- Rational Application Developer v7.5 eAssembly
- Product tools and features
- Tools
- Summary of new features in v7.5
- Specification versions
- Installation and licensing
- Installation
- Licensing
- Updates
- Uninstalling
- Migration and coexistence
- Migration
- Compatibility with previous versions
- Sample code
- Summary
Chapter 2. Programming technologies
- Desktop applications
- Simple desktop applications
- Database access
- Graphical user interfaces
- Extensible Markup Language (XML)
- Static Web sites
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)
- HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
- Dynamic Web applications
- Simple Web applications
- Struts
- JavaServer Faces (JSF) and persistence using SDO or JPA
- Web 2.0 Development
- Portal applications
- Enterprise JavaBeans and Java Persistence API (JPA)
- EJB 3.0 specification: What is new
- Different types of EJBs
- Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Other EJB and JPA features
- Java EE Application Clients
- Web services
- Interoperatility considerations
- Web services in Java EE 5
- Messaging systems
- Java Message Service (JMS)
- Message-driven EJBs (MDBs)
- Requirements for the development environment
- Summary
Chapter 3. Workbench setup and preferences
- Workbench basics
- Workspace basics
- Logging
- Preferences
- Automatic builds
- Manual builds
- Capabilities
- File associations
- Local history
- Perspectives preferences
- Web Browser preferences
- Internet preferences
- Java development preferences
- Java classpath variables
- Appearance of Java elements
- Code style and formatting
- Java editor settings
- Compiler options
- Installed JREs
- Summary
Chapter 4. Perspectives, views, and editors
- Integrated development environment (IDE)
- Perspectives
- Views
- Editors
- Perspective layout
- Switching perspectives
- Specifying the default perspective
- Organizing and customizing perspectives
- Help
- Available perspectives
- Crystal Reports perspective
- CVS Repository Exploring perspective
- Data perspective
- Database Debug perspective
- Database Development perspective
- Debug perspective
- Java perspective
- Java Browsing perspective
- Java EE perspective
- Java Type Hierarchy perspective
- JavaScript perspective
- Jazz Administration perspective
- JPA perspective
- Plug-in Development perspective
- Profiling and Logging perspective
- Report Design perspective
- Requirement perspective
- Resource perspective
- Team Synchronizing perspective
- Test perspective
- Web perspective
- Work items perspective
- Progress view
- Summary
Chapter 5. Projects
- Java Enterprise Edition 5
- Enterprise application modules
- Web modules
- EJB modules
- Application Client modules
- Resource adapter modules
- Java utility libraries
- Project basics
- Create a new project
- Project properties
- Deleting projects
- Project interchange files
- Closing projects
- Java EE 5 project types
- Enterprise application project
- Application client project
- Dynamic Web project
- EJB project
- Connector project
- Utility project
- Project wizards
- Sample projects
- Help system samples
- Example projects wizard
- Summary
Chapter 6. RUP, patterns, and SOA
- Rational Unified Process
- RUP installation in
- Process Browser
- Process Advisor
- Process Search
- Process preferences
- Patterns
- GoF patterns
- Architectural patterns
- Enterprise patterns
- Services
- Web services interoperability
- Web Service Business Process Execution Language (WS-BPEL)
- Additional information
Chapter 7. Unified Modeling Language (UML)
- Overview
- Constructing and visualizing applications using UML
- UML visualization capabilities
- Unified Modeling Language
- Working with UML class diagrams
- Create class diagrams
- Create, editing, and viewing Java elements in UML class diagrams
- Create, editing, and viewing EJBs in UML class diagrams
- Create, editing, and viewing WSDL elements in UML class diagrams
- Class diagram preferences
- Exploring relationships in applications
- Browse diagrams
- Topic diagrams
- Describing interactions with UML sequence diagrams
- Create sequence diagrams
- Create lifelines
- Create messages
- Create combined fragments
- Create references to external diagrams
- Exploring Java methods by using static method sequence diagrams
- Sequence diagram preferences
- More information about UML
Chapter 8. Develop Java applications
- Java perspectives, views, and editor overview
- Java perspective
- Package Explorer view
- Hierarchy view
- Outline view
- Problems view
- Declaration view
- Console view
- Call Hierarchy view
- Java Browsing perspective
- Java Type Hierarchy perspective
- Develop the ITSO Bank application
- ITSO Bank application overview
- Packaging structure
- Interfaces and classes overview
- Interfaces and classes structure
- Interface and class fields and getter and setter methods
- Interface methods
- Class constructors and methods
- Class diagram
- ITSO Bank application step-by-step development guide
- Create a Java project
- Create a UML class diagram
- Create Java packages
- Create Java interfaces
- Create Java classes
- Create Java attributes (fields) and getter and setter methods
- Adding method declarations to an interface
- Adding constructors and Java methods to a class
- Create relationships between Java types
- Implementing the classes and methods
- Running the ITSO Bank application
- Create a run configuration
- Understanding the sample code
- Additional features used for Java applications
- Use scripting inside the JRE
- Analyzing source code
- Debugging a Java application
- Use the Java scrapbook
- Pluggable Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
- Exporting Java applications to a JAR file
- Running Java applications external to
- Import Java resources from a JAR file into a project
- Javadoc tooling
- Generating Javadoc
- Generating Javadoc from an existing project
- Generating Javadoc from an Ant script
- Generating Javadoc with diagrams from existing tags
- Generating Javadoc with diagrams automatically
- Java editor and rapid application development
- Navigating through the code
- Use the Outline view to navigate the code
- Use the Package Explorer to navigate the code
- Use bookmarks to navigate the code
- Source folding
- Type hierarchy
- Smart insert
- Marking occurrences
- Smart compilation
- Java and file search
- Working sets
- Quick fix
- Quick assist
- Content assist
- Import generation
- Adding constructors
- Use the delegate method generator
- Refactoring
- More information
Chapter 9. Accelerating development using patterns
- Introduction to pattern implementation
- Pattern specification and pattern implementation
- Pattern implementation and
- Prepare for the sample
- Create a pattern implementation
- Create a new JET Transform project
- Populating the transformation model
- Adding and deriving attributes
- Generating and editing templates
- Applying the pattern
- Facade pattern
- Import the facade example
- Facade transformation
- Running the transformation examples
- More information
Chapter 10. Develop XML applications
- XML overview and associated technologies
- XML processors
- DTDs and XML schemas
- XML namespaces
- XPath
- XML tools
- Create an XML schema
- Generating HTML documentation from an XML schema file
- Generating an XML file from an XML schema
- Editing an XML file
- Working with XSL transformation files
- Transforming an XML file into an HTML file
- XML mapping
- Generating JavaBeans from an XML schema
- Service Data Objects and XML
- Loading an SDO data graph from XML
- Navigating the SDO data graph
- Updating the SDO data graph
- More information
Chapter 11. Develop database applications
- Introduction
- Connecting to the ITSOBANK database
- Connecting to databases
- Create a connection to the ITSOBANK database
- Browsing a database with the Data Source Explorer
- Create SQL statements
- Create a Data Development project
- Populating the transactions table
- Create a select statement
- Running the SQL query
- Develop Java stored procedures
- Create a Java stored procedure
- Deploying a Java stored procedure
- Running the stored procedure
- Develop SQLJ applications
- Create SQLJ files
- Examining the generated SQLJ file
- Testing the SQLJ program
- Data modeling
- Create a Data Design project
- Create a physical data model
- Modeling with diagrams
- Generating DDL from physical data model and deploy
- Analyzing the data model
- More information
Chapter 12. Persistence using the Java Persistence API (JPA)
- Introducing the Java Persistence API
- Entities
- Mapping the table and columns
- Relationships
- Entity inheritance
- Persistence units
- Object-relational mapping through orm.xml
- Persistence provider
- Entity manager
- JPA query language
- Develop JPA entities
- Set up the ITSOBANK database
- Create a JPA project
- Generating JPA entities from database tables
- Generated JPA entities
- Adding business logic
- Adding named queries
- Visualizing JPA entities
- Testing JPA entities
- Create the Java project for entity testing
- Create a Java class for entity testing
- Set up the build path for OpenJPA
- Set up the persistence.xml file
- Create the test
- Running the JPA entity test
- Displaying the SQL statements
- Adding inheritance
- Preparing the entities for deployment in the server
- Summary
- More information
Chapter 13. Develop Web applications using JSPs and servlets
- Introduction to Java EE Web applications
- Java EE applications
- Model-view-controller (MVC) pattern
- Web development tooling
- Web perspective and views
- Web Site Navigation Designer
- Web Diagram
- Page Designer
- Page templates
- CSS Designer
- Security Editor
- File creation wizards
- Summary of new features in v7.5
- RedBank application design
- Model
- View layer
- Controller layer
- Implementing the RedBank application
- Create the Web project
- Import the Java RedBank model
- Defining the Web site navigation and appearance
- Create frameset pages
- Customizing frameset Web page areas
- Customizing a style sheet
- Verify the site navigation and page templates
- Develop the static Web resources
- Develop the dynamic Web resources
- Working with JSPs
- Web application testing
- Prerequisites to run the sample Web application
- Running the sample Web application
- Verify the RedBank Web application
- RedBank Web application conclusion
- More information
Chapter 14. Develop EJB applications
- Introduction to Enterprise JavaBeans
- EJB 3.0 specification
- EJB 3.0 simplified model
- EJB types and their definition
- Best practices for developing session EJBs
- Message-driven EJBs
- Web services
- Life cycle events
- Interceptors
- Dependency injection
- Use deployment descriptors
- EJB 3.0 application packaging
- EJB features in v7.5
- Sample application overview
- Preparing for the sample
- Required software
- Enable the EJB development capability
- Create and configuring the EJB projects
- Create an EJB project
- Make the JPA entities available to the EJB project
- Set up the ITSOBANK database
- Configure the data source for the ITSOBANK
- Develop an EJB application
- Implementing the session facade
- Preparing an exception
- Create the EJBBank session bean
- Defining the business interface
- Completing the session bean
- Testing the session EJB and the entities
- Testing with the Universal Test Client
- Create a test Web application
- Visualizing the test application
- Writing an EJB 3.0 Web application
- Implementing the RAD75EJBWeb application
- Running the Web application
- Cleanup
- Adding a remote interface
- Complete EJB application interchange files
- More information
Chapter 15. Develop Web applications using Struts
- Introduction to Struts
- Model-view-controller (MVC) pattern with Struts
- Support for Struts
- Preparing for the sample application
- Set up the sample database
- Configure the data source in the WebSphere Server v7.0
- Activating Struts development capabilities
- ITSO Bank Struts Web application overview
- Create a Dynamic Web project with Struts support
- Develop a Web application using Struts
- Create the Struts components
- Realizing the Struts components
- Modifying application resources
- Use the Struts validation framework
- Page Designer and the Struts tag library
- Completing the logon action
- Use the Struts Configuration Editor
- Completing the application
- Completing the Web Diagram
- Completing the application resources
- Completing the form beans
- Completing the actions
- Completing the JSPs
- Completing the Web Diagram and Struts configuration file
- Studying the sample code
- Running the Struts Web application
- Develop a Struts Web application using Tiles
- Enable the Struts Tiles support
- Building the Tiles application extension
- Running the Tiles application
- Import the final sample application
- More information
Chapter 16. Develop Web applications using JSF
- Introduction to JSF
- JavaServer Faces (JSF) overview
- JSF features and benefits
- Preparing for the sample JSF application
- Set up the sample database
- Configure the data source
- Develop a Web application using JSF and JPA
- Project setup
- Structure of the JSF Web application
- Editing the Faces JSP pages
- Editing the login page
- Create a JPA manager bean
- Editing the customer details page
- Editing the account details page
- Adding navigation between the pages
- Implementing deposit and withdraw
- Running the JSF application
- Web Diagram
- Drop-down menu for customer login
- Adding a deluxe pager
- Use the data source in the server
- Cleanup
- Final code
- More information about JSF and AJAX
Chapter 17. Develop Java EE application clients
- Introduction to Java EE application clients
- Overview of the sample application
- Preparing for the sample application
- Import the base EJB enterprise application sample
- Set up the sample database
- Configure the data source
- Testing the imported code
- Develop the Java EE Application Client
- Create the Java EE application client projects
- Configure the Java EE application client projects
- Import the graphical user interface and control classes
- Create the BankDesktopController class
- Completing the BankDesktopController class
- Create an EJB reference and binding
- Registering the BankDesktopController class as the main class
- Testing the Java EE Application Client
- Packaging the Java EE Application Client
- Packaging the application
- Running the deployed application client
Chapter 18. Develop Web services applications
- Introduction to Web services
- Service-oriented architecture (SOA)
- Web services as an SOA implementation
- Related Web services standards
- JAX-WS programming model
- Better platform independence for Java applications
- Annotations
- Invoking Web services asynchronously
- Data binding with JAXB 2.0 and 2.1
- Dynamic and static clients
- MTOM support
- Multiple payload structures
- SOAP 1.2 support
- Web services development approaches
- Web services tools in
- Create a Web service from existing resources
- Create a skeleton Web service
- Client development
- Testing tools for Web services
- Preparing for the samples
- Import the sample
- Testing the application
- Create bottom-up Web services from a JavaBean
- Create a Web service using annotations
- Create Web services using the Web Service wizard
- Resources generated by the Web Service wizard
- Create a synchronous Web service JSP client
- Generating and testing the Web Service client
- Resources generated by the Web Service client wizard
- Create a Web service JavaServer Faces client
- Create a Web service thin client
- Create asynchronous Web service clients
- Polling client
- Callback client
- Asynchronous message exchange client
- Create Web services from an EJB
- Create a top-down Web service from a WSDL
- Designing the WSDL using the WSDL editor
- Generating the skeleton JavaBean Web service
- Testing the generated Web service
- Create Web services with Ant tasks
- Creation procedure
- Running the Web service Ant task
- Sending binary data using MTOM
- Create a Web service project and import the WSDL
- Generating the Web service and client
- Implementing the JavaBean skeleton
- Testing and monitoring the MTOM enabled Web service
- Enable MTOM on the client
- Web services security
- Authentication
- Message integrity
- Message confidentiality
- Policy set
- Applying WS-Security to a Web service and client
- WS-I Reliable Secure Profile
- WS-Policy
- Configure a service provider to share its policy configuration
- Configure the client.policy using a service provider policy
- WS-MetadataExchange (WS-MEX)
- More information
Chapter 19. Develop Web applications using Web 2.0
- Introduction to Web 2.0
- Web 2.0 definition
- Web 2.0 application architecture
- Supporting technologies
- Web 2.0 features in v7.5
- Preparing for the sample application
- Set up the sample database
- Create a database connection
- Configure the data source
- Develop in Web 2.0 using JSF, Ajax Proxy, and JPA
- Project setup
- Structure of the Web 2.0 sample application
- Adding type-ahead control to the login page
- Adding Ajax refresh submit behavior
- Cleanup
- Develop a Web 2.0 application using Dojo and RPC
- Project setup
- Architecture of the Web 2.0 application
- Exposing an RPC Adapter service
- RPC Adapter Configuration Editor
- Create an RPC Converter
- Create a service using a servlet
- Testing the services
- Create the Web page
- Examining the Dojo components
- Application flow
- Logging
- Running the application
- Cleanup
- Final code
- More information about Web 2.0 technologies
Chapter 20. Develop applications to connect to enterprise information systems
- Introduction to Java EE Connector Architecture
- System contracts
- Resource adapter
- Common Client Interface
- WebSphere Adapters
- Application development for EIS
- Importers
- J2C wizards
- What is new in v7.5
- Tooling for WebSphere Adapters
- Deployment of WebSphere Adapters to WebSphere Application Server
- J2C Java bean deployment: EJB 2.1 and 3.0 support
- J2C Java bean deployment: Web services support
- CICS container link support
- MFS support for IMS
- Sample application overview
- CICS outbound scenario
- Prerequisites
- Create the Java data binding class
- Create the J2C bean
- Deploying the J2C bean as an EJB 3.0 session bean
- Generating a JSF client
- Running the JSF client
- CICS channel outbound scenario
- Create the Java data binding for the channel and containers
- Create the J2C bean that accesses the channel
- Develop a Web service to invoke the COBOL program
- Testing the Web service with CICS access
- SAP outbound scenario
- Required software and configuration
- Create a Connector Project and J2C bean
- Generating the sample Web application
- Testing the Web application
- More information
Chapter 21. Develop portal applications - Concepts
- Introduction to portal technology
- Portal concepts and definitions
- Portal page
- Portlet
- Portlet application
- Portlet states
- Portlet modes
- Portlet events
- IBM WebSphere Portal
- Portal and portlet development features
- Portal test environments
- JSR 168 vs. JSR 286 vs. IBM
Chapter 21a. Develop portal applications
- Enable the portal development capability
- Set up the Portal test environment
- Portal samples and tutorials
- New Portal Project wizard
- Portal Import wizard
- Portal Designer
- Skin and Theme Editing
- Theme editing support
- Create portal pages using static page aggregation
- Create user friendly URLs
- Client side click-to-action support
- Person tagging support
- JSR 286 new PDD editor
- Public render parameters
- Ajax proxy support
Develop eventing portlets
Chapter 22. Servers and server configuration
- Introduction to server configurations
- Application servers supported by Rational 7.5
- Local and remote test environments
- Understanding WebSphere Application Server v7.0 profiles
- Types of profiles
- Use the profiles
- WebSphere Application Server v7.0 installation
- Use WebSphere Application Server v7.0 profiles
- Create a new profile using the WebSphere Profile wizard
- Verify the new WebSphere profile
- Deleting a WebSphere profile
- Defining the new server in
- Customizing a server
- Sharing a WebSphere profile between developers
- Defining a server for each workspace
- Adding and removing applications to and from a server
- Adding an application to the server
- Removing an application from a server
- Configure application and server resources
- Create a data source in the enhanced EAR
- Set substitution variable
- Configure server resources
- Configure security
- Configure security in the server
- Configure security in the Workbench
- Develop automation scripts
- Create a Jython project
- Create Jython script files
- Editing Jython script files
- Running administrative script files on WebSphere Application Server
- Generating WebSphere admin commands for Jython scripts
- Debugging Jython scripts
- Jython script for application deployment
- More information
Chapter 23. Testing using JUnit
- Introduction to application testing
- Test concepts
- Test phases
- Test environments
- Calibration
- Test case execution and recording results
- Benefits of unit and component testing
- Benefits of testing frameworks
- Test & Performance Tools Platform (TPTP)
- JUnit testing without TPTP
- JUnit fundamentals
- What is new in JUnit 4.x
- Prepare the JUnit sample
- Create a JUnit test case
- Create a JUnit test suite
- Running the JUnit test case or JUnit test suite
- JUnit testing of JPA entities
- Preparing the JPA unit testing sample
- Set up the ITSOBANK database
- Configure the RAD75JUnit project
- Create a JUnit test case for a JPA entity
- Set up the persistence.xml file
- Running the JPA unit test
- JUnit testing using TPTP
- Create the TPTP JUnit sample
- Running the TPTP JUnit test
- Analyzing the test results
- Web application testing
- Preparing for the sample
- Recording a test
- Editing the test
- Generating an executable test
- Running the test
- Analyzing the test results
- Generating test reports
- Cleaning the workspace
Chapter 24. Debugging local and remote applications
- Summary of new features in v7.5
- Overview of debugging tools
- Supported languages and environments
- Basic Java debugging features
- XSLT debugging
- Remote debugging
- Stored procedure debugging for DB2 V9
- Collaborative debugging using Rational Team Concert Client
- Debugging a Web application on a local server
- Import the sample application
- Running the sample application in debug mode
- Set breakpoints in a Java class
- Debug perspective
- Watching variables
- Evaluating and watching expressions
- Use the Display view
- Working with breakpoints
- Set breakpoints in a JSP
- Debugging a JSP
- Debugging a Web application on a remote server
- Exporting the RedBank as an EAR file
- Deploying the RedBank application
- Configure debug on a remote WebSphere Application Server
- Attaching to the remote server in
- Debugging a remote application
- Uninstalling the remote application
- Jython debugger
- Considerations for the Jython debugger
- Debugging a sample Jython script
- Debug extension for Rational Team Concert Client (Team Debug)
- Introduction
- Supported environments
- Prerequisites
- Sharing a Java debug session by transferring it to another user
- Sharing a WebSphere Application Server debug session
- More information
Chapter 25. Building applications with Ant
- Introduction to Ant
- Ant build files
- Ant tasks
- Ant features in
- Preparing for the sample
- Create a build file
- Project definition
- Global properties
- Building targets
- Content assist
- Code snippets
- Formatting an Ant script
- Defining the format of an Ant script
- Problems view
- Building a simple Java application
- Running Ant
- Ant console
- Rerun Ant
- Forced build
- Classpath problem
- Running the sample application to verify the Ant build
- Building a Java EE application
- Java EE application deployment packaging
- Preparing for the sample
- Create the build script
- Running the Ant Java EE application build
- Running Ant outside of
- Preparing for the headless build
- Running the headless Ant build script
- Use the Rational Build Utility
- Overview of the build utility
- Example of using the build utility
- More information about Ant
Chapter 26. Deploying enterprise applications
- Introduction to application deployment
- Common deployment considerations
- Java EE application components and deployment modules
- Deployment descriptors
- WebSphere deployment architecture
- Java and WebSphere class loader
- Preparing for the deployment of the EJB application
- Reviewing the deployment scenarios
- Install the prerequisite software
- Import the sample application project interchange files
- Sample database
- Packaging the application for deployment
- Removing the enhanced EAR data source
- Generating the deploy code
- Exporting the EAR files
- Manual deployment of enterprise applications
- Configure the data source in the application server
- Install the enterprise applications
- Starting the enterprise applications
- Verify the application after manual installation
- Uninstalling the application
- Automated deployment using Jython based wsadmin scripting
- Overview of wsadmin
- Overview of Jython
- Develop a Jython script to deploy the ITSO Bank
- Executing the Jython script
- Verify the application after automatic installation
- Generation Jython source code for wsadmin commands
- More information
Chapter 27. Profiling applications
- Introduction to profiling
- Profiling features
- Profiling architecture
- Profiling and Logging perspective
- Preparing for the profiling sample
- Prerequisite software installation
- Enable the Profiling and Logging capability
- Profiling a Java application
- Import the sample project interchange file
- Create a profiling configuration
- Running the EntityTester application
- Analyzing profiling data
- Execution statistics
- Execution flow
- UML sequence diagrams
- Memory statistics
- Thread analysis
- Reports
- Clean up
- Profiling a Web application running on the server
- Import the sample project interchange file
- Publishing and running sample application
- Starting the server in profiling mode
- Profile on server: Execution Time Analysis
- Running the sample application to collect profiling data
- Statistic views
- Execution statistics
- Execution flow
- UML sequence diagrams
- Refreshing the views and resetting data
- Ending the profiling session
- Profile on server: Memory and thread analysis
- More information
Chapter 28. CVS integration
- Introduction to CVS
- CVS features
- CVS support within
- CVSNT Server installation and implementation
- Install the CVS server
- Configure the CVS server repository
- Create the Windows users and groups used by CVS
- Verify the CVSNT installation
- Create CVS users
- CVS client configuration for
- Configure the CVS team capability
- Accessing the CVS repository
- Configure CVS in
- Label decorations
- File content
- Ignored resources
- CVS-specific settings
- CVS keyword substitution
- Development scenario
- Create and sharing the project (step 1 - cvsuser1)
- Adding a shared project to the workspace (step 2a - cvsuser2)
- Modifying the servlet (step 2b - cvsuser1)
- Synchronizing with the repository (step 3a - cvsuser1)
- Synchronizing with the repository (step 3b - cvsuser2)
- Parallel development (step 4 - cvsuser1 and cvsuser2)
- Create a version (step 5 - cvsuser1)
- CVS resource history
- Comparisons in CVS
- Comparing a workspace file with the repository
- Comparing two revisions in the repository
- Annotations in CVS
- Branches in CVS
- Branching
- Merging
- Working with patches
- Disconnecting a project
- Team Synchronizing perspective
- Custom configuration of resource synchronization
- Schedule synchronization
- More information
Chapter 29. Rational Team Concert
- Introduction to IBM Rational Team Concert
- Editions
- Architecture
- Getting started: Set up a project area
- Create a repository connection and project area
- Predefined work items: Defining team members
- Predefined work items: Defining iterations and iteration plans
- Process configuration: Defining preconditions
- New work item: Create components
- Create a repository workspace
- Set up team areas
- Source control scenarios
- Sharing existing projects
- Connecting to the repository and loading projects
- Managing conflicts
- Building with Team Concert and the Build Utility
- Create a build user
- Create a repository workspace owned by the build user
- Starting the Jazz Build Engine
- Preparing the Ant build file
- Create a build engine and a build definition
- Requesting a build
- Running reports (Standard edition only)
- Collaborative debugging
- More information
- Appendix A. Product installation
- Installation launchpad
- IBM Installation Manager
- Install IBM Rational
- Install the license for Rational
- Updating Rational
- Uninstalling Rational
- Install the WebSphere Portal v6.1 test environment
- Install WebSphere Portal v6.1
- Adding WebSphere Portal v6.1 to
- Optimizing the Portal Server for development
- Verify development mode
- Enable debugging service
- Stop the server
- Install IBM Rational Team Concert
- Install Rational Team Concert Express-c server
- Install Rational Team Concert Build Engine and Build Toolkit
- Install the client and the debug extensions
- Install Rational Build Utility
- Appendix B. Additional material and sample code
- Abbreviations and acronyms
- Related publications
- IBM Redbooks publications
- Other publications
- Online resources
- How to get IBM Redbooks publications
- Help from IBM