

Developing the dynamic Web resources

In addition to the tools created for building HTML content and designing the flow and navigation in a Web application. Application Developer also provides several wizards to help you quickly build JavaServer Pages (JSPs) and Java servlets, even if you are not an expert programmer. The products of these wizards can be used as-is, or modified to fit specific needs.

The wizards not only support the creation of servlets and JSPs, they also compile the Java code and store the class files in the correct folders for publishing to your application servers. Finally, as the wizards generate project resources, the deployment descriptor file (web.xml) is updated automatically with the appropriate configuration information for the servlets that are created.

In the previous section we described how to create each of the static Web pages. In this section we demonstrate the process of creating and working with servlets. The example servlets are first built using the wizards, then the code contents are imported from the sample solution. In the next section Working with JSPs, the JSP pages are created which invoke the logic in these servlets.
