Creating the test
To test the JPA entities, we complete the main method in the EntityTester class (Example | 2-10).
Copy and paste the code from 7639code\jpa\test\EntityTester.java.
Select Source Æ Organize Imports, be sure to resolve: javax.persistence.Query
Example 12-10 Testing JPA entities using a Java program
public class EntityTester {
static EntityManager em;
public static void main(String[] args) {String customerId = "111-11-1111";if (args.length > 0) customerId = args[0];System.out.println("Entity Testing");System.out.println("\nCreating EntityManager");em = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory("RAD75JPA").createEntityManager();System.out.println("RAD75JPA EntityManager successfully created\n");em.getTransaction().begin();System.out.println("\nAll customers: ");Query query1 = em.createNamedQuery("getCustomers");List<Customer> custList1 = query1.getResultList();for (Customer cust : custList1) {System.out.println(cust.getSsn() + " " + cust.getTitle() + " "+ cust.getFirstName() + " " + cust.getLastName());}System.out.println("\nCustomers by partial name: a");Query query2 = em.createNamedQuery("getCustomersByPartialName");query2.setParameter(1, "%a%");List<Customer> custList2 = query2.getResultList();for (Customer cust : custList2) {System.out.println(cust.getSsn() + " " + cust.getTitle() + " "+ cust.getFirstName() + " " + cust.getLastName());}System.out.println("\nRetrieve one customer: " + customerId);Customer cust = em.find(Customer.class, customerId);System.out.println(cust.getSsn() + " " + cust.getTitle() + " "+ cust.getFirstName() + " " + cust.getLastName());
Set<Account> acctSet = cust.getAccountCollection();System.out.println("Customer has " + acctSet.size() + " accounts");for (Account account : acctSet) {System.out.println("Account: " + account.getId() + " balance "+ account.getBalance());}System.out.println("\nRetrieve customer accounts sorted using named query:");Query query3 = em.createNamedQuery("getAccountsBySSN");query3.setParameter(1, cust.getSsn());List<Account> acctList = query3.getResultList();for (Account account : acctList) {System.out.println("Account: " + account.getId() + " balance "+ account.getBalance());}System.out.println("\nPerform transactions on one account: " );Account account = acctList.get(0);System.out.println("Account: " + account.getId() + " balance "+ account.getBalance());Transaction tx = null;try {BigDecimal balance = account.getBalance();tx = account.processTransaction(new BigDecimal(100.00), "Credit");em.persist(tx); // make insert persistentSystem.out.println("Tx created: " + tx.getAccount().getId() + " "+ tx.getTransType() + " " + tx.getAmount() + " "+ tx.getTransTime() + " id " + tx.getId());tx = account.processTransaction(new BigDecimal(50.00), "Debit");em.persist(tx);System.out.println("Tx created: " + tx.getAccount().getId() + " "+ tx.getTransType() + " " + tx.getAmount() + " "+ tx.getTransTime() + " id " + tx.getId());tx = account.processTransaction( balance.add(new BigDecimal(200.00)),"Debit");em.persist(tx);} catch (Exception e) {System.out.println("Transaction failed: " + e.getMessage());}
em.flush(); // make inserts persistent in the DBem.refresh(account); // retrieve account again to access transactionsSystem.out.println("\nAccount: " + account.getId() + " balance "+ account.getBalance());//List<Transaction> transList = (List<Transaction>)account.getTransactCollection();Query query4 = em.createNamedQuery("getTransactionsByID");query4.setParameter(1, account.getId());List<Transaction> transList = query4.getResultList();System.out.println("Account has " + transList.size() + " transactions");for (Transaction tran : transList) {System.out.println("Transaction: " + tran.getTransType() + " "+ tran.getAmount() + " " + tran.getTransTime() + " id " + tran.getId());}em.getTransaction().commit ();}}