Plug-in Development perspective
The ability to write extra features and plug-ins is an important part of the philosophy of the Eclipse framework. Using this perspective, you can develop your own Application Developer or Eclipse tools.
The Plug-in Development perspective includes:
Plug-ins view-Shows the combined list of workspace and external plug-ins.
Error Log view-Shows the error log for the software development platform, allowing a plug-in developer to diagnose problems with plug-in code. The perspective also includes Package Explorer, Outline, Tasks, and Problems views, which have already been described earlier in this chapter.
Figure 4-20 Plug-in Development perspective
This book does not cover how to develop plug-ins for Rational Application Developer or Eclipse. To learn more about plug-in development, refer to the
IBM Redbooks publication, Eclipse Development using the Graphical Editing Framework and the Eclipse Modeling Framework, SG24-6302, or The Java Developer's Guide to Eclipse-Second Edition, by D'Anjou et al (refer to http://jdg2e.com).