Creating class diagrams
A new class diagram is created using the New Class Diagram wizard. You can launch this wizard directly from the menu in Rational Application Developer.
To create a class diagram from the menu select File Æ New Æ Other Æ Modeling Æ Class Diagram. Alternatively, from the Enterprise Explorer, right-click any resource, such as a project or a package, to bring up the context menu and select New Æ Class Diagram.After the wizard has started, you can enter the name for your class diagram and specify the folder where the class diagram file should be stored. When you click Finish, the new class diagram is created and opened for editing with the associated palette on the right hand side, as shown in Figure | -2.
Figure 7-2 A new class diagram
Alternatively, you can create a UML class diagram from existing source elements within a project, including packages, classes, interfaces and EJBs. In the Enterprise Explorer, right-click the desired source element or elements and select Visualize Æ Add to New Diagram File Æ Class Diagram. In a similar way, it is also possible to add elements to an existing class diagram.
You can create as many class diagrams as you want to depict different aspects of your application.