Testing tools for Web services
To allow developers to test Web services RAD provides a range of features:
WebSphere Application Server v7.0 and V6.x test environment. These servers are included with Rational Application Developer as a test server and can be used to host Web services. This provides a range of Web services runtimes, including an implementation of the J2EE specification standards.
Sample JSP application: The Web application mentioned before can be used to test Web services and the generated proxy it uses.
Web Services Explorer: This is a simple test environment that can be used to test any Web Service, based only on the WSDL file for the service. The service can be running on a local test server or anywhere else on the network.
Universal Test Client: The Universal Test Client (UTC) is a very powerful and flexible test application that is normally used for testing EJBs. Its flexibility makes it possible to test ordinary Java classes, so it can be used to test the generated proxy classes created to simplify client development.
TCP/IP Monitor: The TCP/IP Monitor works like a proxy server, passing TCP/IP requests on to another server and directing the returned responses back to the originating client. The TCP/IP messages that are exchanged are displayed in a special view within Rational Application Developer.