Web application testing
You can also create test cases that run against one of the Web projects, RAD75BankBasicWeb or RAD75StrutsWeb or RAD75EJBWeb. However, when testing anything that runs inside a servlet container, a testing framework like Cactus could make the testing much easier.
Note: Cactus is an open source sub-project in the Apache Software Foundation's Jakarta Project. It is a simple framework for unit testing server-side Java code, such as servlets, EJBs, tag libraries, and filters.
The objective of Cactus is to lower the cost of writing tests for server-side code. Cactus supports so-called white box testing of server-side code. It extends and uses JUnit.
More information can be found at: http://jakarta.apache.org/cactus/
In addition to providing a common framework for test tools and support for JUnit test generation, TPTP enables you to test Web applications.
TPTP provides the following Web testing tasks:
Recording a test-The test creation wizard starts the Hyades proxy recorder, which records your interactions with a browser-based application. When you stop recording, the wizard starts a test generator, which creates a test from the recorded session.
Editing a test-You can inspect and modify a test prior to compiling and running it.
Generating an executable test-Follow this procedure to generate an executable test. Before a test can be run, the Java source code of the test must be generated and compiled. This process is called code generation.
Running a test-Run the generated test.
Analyzing test results-All the conclusion of a test run, you see an execution history, including a test verdict, and you can request two graphical reports showing a page response time and a page hit analysis.