Class constructors and methods
The constructors and methods of the classes of the application are described in Table | -7.
Table 8-7
Method name Modi-
fiersType Parameters Exceptions ITSOBank class ITSOBank private constructor addCustomer public void Customer customer CustomerAlreadyExistException removeCustomer void Customer customer InvalidCustomerException openAccountFor
Customervoid Customer customer, Account account InvalidCustomerException, AccountAlreadyExistException closeAccountOf
Customervoid Customer customer, Account account InvalidAccountException, InvalidCustomerException searchAccountBy
AccountNumberAccount String accountNumber InvalidAccountException searchCustomerBySsn Customer String ssn InvalidCustomerException processTransaction private void String accountNumber, BigDecimal amount, String transactionType InvalidAccountException, InvalidTransactionException getAccountsFor
Customerpublic ArrayList<Account> String customerSsn InvalidCustomerException getTransactionsFor
AccountArrayList<Transaction> String accountNumber InvalidAccountException updateCustomer void String ssn, String title, String firstName, String lastName InvalidCustomerException deposit void String accountNumber, BigDecimal amount InvalidAccountException, InvalidTransactionException withdraw void String accountNumber, BigDecimal amount InvalidAccountException, InvalidTransactionException transfer void String | ebitAccountNumber, String | reditAccountNumber, BigDecimal amount InvalidAccountException, InvalidTransactionException initializeBank private void Account class Account public constructor String accountNumber, BigDecimal balance processTransaction public void BigDecimal amount, String transactionType InvalidTransactionException toString String Customer class Customer public constructor String ssn, String title, String firstName, String lastName updateCustomer public void String title, String firstName, String lastName addAccount void Account account AccountAlreadyExistException removeAccount void Account account InvalidAccountException toString String Transaction class Transaction public constructor BigDecimal amount getTransactionType public abstract String process BigDecimal BigDecimal | #160; | ccountBalance InvalidTransactionException Credit class Credit public constructor BigDecimal amount getTransactionType public String process BigDecimal BigDecimal | #160; | ccountBalance InvalidTransactionException toString String Debit class Debit public constructor BigDecimal amount getTransactionType public String process BigDecimal BigDecimal | #160; | ccountBalance InvalidTransactionException toString String BankClient class main public static void String[] args Constructors and methods of the classes of the ITSO Bank application