

Creating the Java EE application client projects

To create a Java EE application client project, do these steps:

In the Java EE perspective, select File Æ New Æ Project. Expand the Java EE folder, and select Application Client Project. (Alternatively, right-click in the Enterprise Explorer and select New Æ Application Client Project.)

In the New Application Client Project dialog (Figure | 7-4):

Type RAD75AppClient as the Project name
Type RAD75AppClientEAR as the EAR Project Name.
Accept the defaults of WebSphere Application Server v7.0 for Target Runtime and 5.0 for Application Client module version.
Click Next.

Figure 17-4 New Application Client Project

In the Application Client module dialog, clear Create a default Main class, select Generate deployment descriptor, and click Finish (Figure | 7-5).

Figure 17-5 Application Client module

When the wizard is complete, the following two projects are created in your workspace:

RAD75AppClientEAR: This is an enterprise application project that acts as a container for the code to be deployed on the application client node.

RAD75AppClient: This project contains the code for the application client. For now, it is empty, except for the META-INF/application-client.xml file, which is the application client deployment descriptor.