

Starting the Jazz Build Engine

On the Team Concert server start the Jazz Build Engine before you can request any builds. The build engine is an executable at:


The required arguments for the Jazz Build Engine are:

repository <repository address> (address of a Jazz repository)

userId <user id> (user id of a user defined in the Jazz repository)

You can launch jbe without any arguments to see the full list of optional arguments. Note that in order to launch the build engine, a JDK version 1.5 or higher must be on the system path. If that is not the case, you can supply the location of a suitable JDK as a command line argument introduced by -vm.

The following batch file (Example | 9-2) illustrates how you could start the build engine on a Team Concert server and a build engine installed in:

C:\Program Files\ibm\JazzTeamServer
C:\Program Files\ibm\TeamConcertBuild\buildsystem

Example 29-2 Sample batch file to start the Team Concert Build Engine

@echo on
set RTC_SERVER_HOME="C:\Program Files\ibm\JazzTeamServer"
set JAVA_HOME=%RTC_SERVER_HOME%\server\win32\ibm-java2-i386-50\jre\bin
set RTC_BUILD_HOME="C:\Program Files\ibm\TeamConcertBuild"
cd %RTC_BUILD_HOME%\buildsystem\buildengine\eclipse
jbe -repository https://rcsnl-cc.rcsnl.ams.nl.ibm.com:9443/jazz -userId build
	-pass build -sleepTime 3 -verbose -vm %JAVA_HOME%\java.exe

Note that the password of the build user is passed as an optional command line argument introduced by -pass. An alternative to providing the password on the command line is to launch jbe once with the optional argument -createPasswordFile:

Execute the command
						-createPasswordFile passwordFile.txt

You are prompted to enter the password for the build user, which will be stored encrypted in the file provided on the command line. It is recommended that you protect the file itself with appropriate operating system permissions.