EJB 3.0 specification: What is new
Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 is a major enhancement to the EJB specification, introducing a new plain old Java object (POJO)-based programming model that greatly simplifies development of Java EE applications. The main features are as follows:
| EJBs are now POJOs that expose regular business interfaces (plain old Java interfaces: POJI), and there is no requirement for home interfaces.
| Deployment descriptor information is replaced by annotations.
| A complete new persistence model, Java Persistence API (JPA), is provided, which supersedes EJB 2.x entity beans.
| Interceptor facility invokes user methods at the invocation of business services or at life cycle events.
| Adopts a annotation-based dependency injection pattern to obtain Java EE resources (JDBC data sources, JMS factories and queues, and EJB references).
| Default values are provided whenever possible ("configuration by exception" approach).
| Usage of checked exceptions are reduced.
| All life cycle methods are optional now.
More information about EJB 3.0 and JPA can be found in the IBM Redbooks publication, WebSphere Application Server V6.1 Feature Pack for EJB 3.0, SG24-7611, in Chapter | 2, Persistence using the Java Persistence API (JPA), in Chapter | 4, Developing EJB applications, and here: