Creating a test Web application
To test the EJB 3.0 session bean and entity model, we create a small Web application with one servlet:
| Select File Æ New Project Æ Web Æ Dynamic Web Project:
Enter RAD75EJBTestWeb as name.
Select 2.5 for Dynamic Web Module version.
Add the project to the RAD75EJBEAR enterprise application.
Click Finish and close the help that opens.
| Right-click the RAD75EJBTestWeb project and Properties. In the Properties dialog, Java EE Module Dependencies page, select the RAD75EJB.jar module, and click OK.
| Right-click the RAD75EJBTestWeb project and select New Æ Servlet.
| Enter itso.test.servlet as package name and BankTest as class name. Click Next twice, and select to generate doPost and doGet methods. Click Finish.
@javax.ejb.EJB EJBBankService bank;
The injection of the business interface into the servlet resolves to the automatic binding of the session EJB.
| In the doGet method, enter the code:
doPost(request, response);
| Complete the doPost method with the code of Example | 4-17, which is available in 7672code\ejb\source\BankTest.txt. This servlet executes the methods of the session bean, after getting a reference to the business interface.
Example 14-17 Servlet to test the EJB 3.0 module (abbreviated)
protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
try {
PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
String partialName = request.getParameter("partialName");
out.println("<html><body><h2>Customer Listing</h2>");
if (partialName == null) partialName = "%";
else partialName = "%" + partialName + "%";
out.println("<p>Customers by partial Name: " + partialName + "<br>");
Customer[] customers = bank.getCustomers(partialName);
for (Customer cust : customers) {
out.println("<br>" + cust);
Customer cust1 = bank.getCustomer("222-22-2222");
out.println("<p>" + cust1);
Account[] accts = bank.getAccounts(cust1.getSsn());
out.println("<br>Customer: " + cust1.getSsn() + " has "
+ accts.length + " accounts");
Account acct = bank.getAccount("002-222002");
out.println("<p>" + acct);
out.println("<p>Transactions of account: " + acct.getId());
Transaction[] trans = bank.getTransactions("002-222002");
out.println("<p><table border=1><tr><th>Type</th><th>Time</th>...");
for (Transaction t : trans) {
out.println("<tr><td>" + t.getTransType() + "</td><td>" + ...);
String newssn = "xxx-xx-xxxx";
bank.deleteCustomer(newssn); // for rerun
out.println("<p>Add a customer: " + newssn);
Customer custnew = new Customer();
Customer cust2 = bank.getCustomer(newssn);
out.println("<br>" + cust2);
out.println("<p>Open two accounts for customer: " + newssn);
String id1 = bank.openAccount(newssn);
String id2 = bank.openAccount(newssn);
out.println("<br>New accounts: " + id1 + " " + id2);
Account[] acctnew = bank.getAccounts(newssn);
out.println("<br>Customer: " +newssn + " has " +acctnew.length ...);
Account acct1 = bank.getAccount(id1);
out.println("<br>" + acct1);
out.println("<p>Deposit and withdraw from account: " + id1);
bank.deposit(id1, new java.math.BigDecimal("777.77"));
bank.withdraw(id1, new java.math.BigDecimal("111.11"));
acct1 = bank.getAccount(id1);
out.println("<br>Account: " +id1+ " balance " + acct1.getBalance());
trans = bank.getTransactions(id1);
out.println("<p><table border=1><tr><th>Type</th><th>Time</th>...");
for (Transaction t : trans) {
out.println("<tr><td>" + t.getTransType() + ...");
out.println("<p>Close the account: " + id1);
bank.closeAccount(newssn, id1);
out.println("<p>Update the customer: " + newssn);
bank.updateCustomer(newssn, "Mr", "Julius", "Roberto");
cust2 = bank.getCustomer(newssn);
out.println("<br>" + cust2);
out.println("<p>Delete the customer: " + newssn);
out.println("<p>Retrieve non existing customer: ");
Customer cust3 = bank.getCustomer("zzz-zz-zzzz");
out.println("<br>customer: " + cust3);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception: " + e.getMessage());