Debug perspective
Depending on the preferences set in Windows Æ Preferences Æ Run/Debug Æ Perspectives, you might be prompted to open the Debug perspective. In most cases the Debug perspective opens automatically.
If the Debug perspective does not open automatically, select Window Æ Open Perspective Æ (Other) Æ Debug.
The Debug perspective shows the source code where the execution stopped at the breakpoint (refer to Figure | 4-1):
| The Debug view shows the threads, currently stopped in Account.processTransaction.
| The source code of the Account class shows the current line (at the breakpoint).
| The Outline view shows the current method (processTransaction).
| The Variables view shows the account (this), the amount (BigDecimal), the transaction type (Debit), and the transaction (null).
| The Breakpoints view shows the breakpoint (Account [line: 81]).
| The Console view shows the server console. You might see time-out errors because we stopped the execution in the middle of an EJB call.
In this perspective it is possible to step through the code, and to watch and edit variables.