Adding Ajax refresh submit behavior
Ajax refresh submit behavior defines alternative content for the panel, which can be asynchronously retrieved after the page has been loaded into the browser without refreshing the whole page.
Whenever an action is triggered (for example, a button click), the client requests the alternative content for the panel and it replaces the existing panel content with new content. The page containing the panel is not replaced by this action, instead, this tag allows part of the page to be replaced. The revised content is retrieved from the same JSP from which the original content came.
Both the server life cycle copy of the page and the client-side page are kept in sync. The new page content is retrieved using a post HTTP request operation. The contents of the form containing the panel are posted as part of the request so that the values in the form are available to the server code calculating the new content to put in the panel.
In our example, we want to display a welcome message with the customer's name when an SSN is entered into the entry field.