

Generating the skeleton JavaBean Web service

To generate a skeleton JavaBean Web service from a WSDL, do these steps:

Right-click BankWS.wsdl and select Web Services Æ Generate Java bean skeleton.

Keep the slider at Start service level. Notice that the code is generated into the RAD75TopDownBankWS project.

Click Finish.

After the code generation, the skeleton class BankWSSOAPImpl.java opens in the Java editor. Notice the annotation of the class:

@javax.jws.WebService (endpointInterface="org.example.bankws.BankWS", targetNamespace="http://www.example.org/BankWS/", serviceName="BankWS", portName="BankWSSOAP")

The RAD75TopDownBankEAR is deployed to the server, and the Web service appears in the Services view.