When you open a file, Rational Application Developer automatically opens the editor that is associated with that file type. For example, the Page Designer is opened for .html, .htm, and .jsp files, while the Java editor is opened for .java and .jpage files.
Editors that have been associated with specific file types open in the editor area of the Workbench. By default, editors are stacked in a notebook arrangement inside the editor area. If there is no associated editor for a resource, Rational Application Developer will open the file in the default editor, which is a text editor. It is also possible to open a resource in another editor by using the Open With option from the context menu.
To quickly move between editors open on the workspace, you can select Ctrl-F6 (and hold down Ctrl), which will show all the open editors and let the user move quickly to the desired one. Press F6 until the required editor is selected, then release.
The following icons appear in the Toolbar of a perspective to speed up navigation between editors:
Next and Previous cursor location ( and
)-Moves the focus around recent cursor positions.
Last Edit Location ( )- Reveals the location where the last edit occurred.
Next and Previous Annotation ( and
)-Depending on the options selected in the associated drop-down menu, this moves the cursor to the next or previous annotation in the associated list. For example, if errors are chosen, these buttons will move the cursor to the next or previous source code error in the resource being edited.