

Creation procedure

In this section, we use Ant tasks to automate the top-down code generation process that we did in the last section:

Create a Dynamic Web project to host the Web service generated by Ant tasks: RAD75WebServiceAnt in RAD75WebServiceEAR.

Copy the BankWS.wsdl from RAD75TopDownBankWS/WebContent folder to the RAD75WebServiceAnt folder (not under WebContent).

Right-click RAD75WebServiceAnt and select New Æ Other Æ Web Services Æ Ant Files and click Next.

In the Create Ant Files dialog, select IBM WebSphere JAX-WS as the Web service runtime and Top down Java bean Web Service as the Web service type (Figure | 8-42), click Finish.

Figure 18-42 Create Ant files

A wsgenTemplates folder is created with two files: was_jaxws_tdjava.xml and was_jaxws_tdjava.properties.

Open was_jaxws_tdjava.properties, and change InitialSelection= to:


Change the Service.ServerId line to:


Save and close the file.
