

Setting up team areas

We want to create two team areas to distinguish development of a Java application prototype from the main development of the RedBank application.

Open the Team Organization view (in the Jazz Administration perspective).

Right-click the default Team Area (ITSO RedBank ProjectTeam) and select New Æ Team Area.

In the Create team Area dialog, type the Name Java Prototype Team and an optional Summary (Figure | 9-18).

Figure 29-18 Creation of new Team Are for the Java Team

Repeat the same steps to create the team area Web Development Team.

Distribute members among the two teams (Figure | 9-19).

Figure 29-19 Team Organization view with team areas and team members

Assign the ownership of the Java Prototype component to the Java Prototype Team:

Open the Team Area editor for Java Prototype Team.
Select Artifacts Æ Stream.
Right-click and select Search Components.
Find the Java Prototype component.
Change owner to the Java Prototype Team.

Assign the ownership of the Web Application Component to the Web Development Team.