
Java Enterprise Edition 5



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The Java EE platform hosts enterprise applications, ensuring that they are highly available, reliable, scalable, and secure. Java EE 5 is the latest version of the Java Enterprise Edition platform and is fully supported by Rational Application Developer v7.5.

The Java EE architecture is composed of a set of containers, each of which is a runtime environment that hosts specific Java EE components and provides services to those components.

The Java EE architecture comprises four containers:

The Java EE generally includes a database for persistence of enterprise application data. It is not necessary to employ all of the containers in a specific enterprise application. In some enterprise applications, only the Web container is employed. All business logic and persistence functionality executes in the Web container along with the code that presents the user interface. In other enterprise applications, only the Web container and EJB container are employed. The user interface is presented by components in the Web container with all business logic and persistence functionality delegated to the EJB container and the EJB components it contains.

A Java EE enterprise application is assembled from one or more Java EE modules. Java EE modules contain one or more enterprise application components. An optional deployment descriptor, which describes the module and the components that it contains, can also be included in the module. The following sections provide a summary of the purpose served by each of the modules and the types of component typically contained in the module. Subsequent sections describe the types of projects within Application Developer that are used to create each module.

A high level view of the module structure of a Java EE enterprise application...