

Ant tasks



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Rational Application Developer v7.5 includes Ant v1.7.

A comprehensive set of built-in tasks is supplied with the Ant distribution. The tasks that we use in our example are as follows:

To find out more about Ant, visit the Ant Web site.

This chapter provides a basic outline of the features and capabilities of Ant. For complete information, you should consult the Ant documentation.


How do I redirect standard input or standard output in the <exec> task?

Say you want to redirect the standard output stream of the m4 command to write to a file, something like:

     shell-prompt> m4 foo.m4 > foo

...and try to translate it into...

    <exec executable="m4">
      <arg value="foo.m4"/>
      <arg value=">"/>
      <arg value="foo"/>

This will not do what you expect. The output redirection is performed by your shell, not the command itself, so this should read:

    <exec executable="/bin/sh">
      <arg value="-c" />
      <arg value="m4 foo.m4 > foo" />

Note that use the value attribute of <arg> in the last element, in order to have the command passed as a single, quoted argument. Alternatively, you can use:

    <exec executable="/bin/sh">
      <arg line='-c "m4 foo.m4 > foo"'/>

Note the double-quotes nested inside the single-quotes.