Types of licenses
IBM Rational offers three types of product licenses:
Authorized User License
Authorized User Fixed Term License (FTL)
Floating License The best choice for your organization depends upon how many people use the product, how often they require access, and how you prefer to purchase the software.
Authorized User License
An IBM Rational Authorized User License permits a single, specific individual to use a Rational software product. Purchasers must obtain an Authorized User License for each individual user who accesses the product in any manner. An Authorized User License cannot be reassigned unless the purchaser replaces the original assignee on a long-term or permanent basis.
Authorized User Fixed Term License
An IBM Rational Authorized User Fixed Term License (FTL) permits a single, specific individual to use a Rational software product for a specific length of time (the term). Purchasers must obtain an Authorized User FTL for each individual user who accesses the product in any manner. An Authorized User FTL cannot be reassigned unless the purchaser replaces the original assignee on a long-term or permanent basis.
Floating License
An IBM Rational Floating License is a license for a single software product that can be shared among multiple team members; however, the total number of concurrent users cannot exceed the number of floating licenses you purchase.
To use floating licenses, obtain floating license keys and install them on a Rational License Server. The server responds to end-user requests for access to the license keys; it will grant access to the number of concurrent users that matches the number of licenses the organization purchased.
License installation: When you have obtained a license, invoke the IBM Installation Manager. The detailed steps to import a license are described in Installing the license for Rational Application Developer.