Examining the Dojo components
Let us now explain some of the Dojo components that we added to the page:
dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore: Dojo provides a basic mechanism to store information in JSON format. The url attribute is where the store looks for the data, in our case by calling the CustomerServlet (which returns a list of SSN). <div dojotype="dojo.data.ItemFileReadStore" jsId="customStore"
dijit.form.FilteringSelect: This is an HTML select tag that can be populated dynamically. The store attribute refers to the ItemFileReadStore, and ssn is the search attribute. <select dojotype="dijit.form.FilteringSelect" store="customStore"
searchattr="ssn" id="ssnCb" invalidmessage="Enter a valid SSN">
dojox.Grid: This is a basic grid, with a layout (rows and columns) and a model (the contents).