Installing the enterprise applications
To install the two enterprise applications to the target application server, do these steps:
| Copy the RAD75EJBEAR.ear and RAD75EJBWebEAR.ear files from the developer node (where you exported the files from Application Developer) to the application server node, typically into the installableApps directory:
| In the WebSphere administrative console select Applications Æ New Application.
| Click New Enterprise Application.
Select Local file system.
Specify path: C:\.......\installableApps\RAD75EJBEAR.ear
Figure 26-17 Enterprise application installation: Specify the path to the EAR file
| Click Next
| Ensure that Fast Path is checked and click Next. This starts the installation wizard.
Figure 26-18 Enterprise application installation: Installation options
| In the Map modules to servers page, accept the default values and click Next (Figure | 6-19).
Figure 26-19 Enterprise application installation: Map modules to servers
| In the summary page, verify the configuration information for the new enterprise application and click Finish to confirm (Figure | 6-20).
Figure 26-20 Summary page for the Install Application wizard
| You will see a number of messages, concluded by successful installation:
If there are enterprise beans in the application, the EJB deployment
process can take several minutes. Do not save the configuration until the
process completes.
Check the SystemOut.log on the deployment manager or server where the
application is deployed for specific information about the EJB deployment
process as it occurs.
ADMA5016I: Installation of RAD75EJBEAR started.
ADMA5005I: The application RAD75EJBEAR is configured in the WebSphere
Application Server repository.
Application RAD75EJBEAR installed successfully.
| Click Save directly to the master configuration.
| Repeat the installation steps to install the RAD75EJBWebEAR.ear enterprise application:
The rest of the steps are the same.