

Running the application

In the Enterprise Explorer, expand RAD75Web20Dojo Æ WebContent, then right-click index.html, and select Run As Æ Run on Server.

On the subsequent dialog box, select Finish to complete publishing onto the WebSphere Application Server.

When prompted with a security alert, click Yes.

The home page displays (Figure | 9-17):

You can drag the borders between the section to adjust their size.
If the bottom part of the page does not display, you can maximize the browser pane, or you can use an external browser (select Window Æ Web Browser Æ Internet Explorer).

Figure 19-17 Web 20.0 dojo application run

You can use the drop-down menu to select an SSN, or you can start typing an SSN and the type-ahead feature displays the matching number (Figure | 9-18).

Figure 19-18 Selecting a customer using type-ahead or drop-down

Remember that the drop-down list was populated through the servlet that retrieved the list of customer SSNs.

When a customer SSN is selected, the welcome message with the customer name is displayed with a fade-in effect (Figure | 9-19).

Figure 19-19 Welcome message

Remember that the customer with the accounts is retrieved by the RPC service CustomerService, which invokes the findCustomerBySsn method.

Click Logon to populate the account list (Figure | 9-20).

Figure 19-20 Customer with list of accounts

Click one account to display its transactions (Figure | 9-21).

Figure 19-21 Account transactions

Remember that the transactions of an account are retrieved by the RPC service TransactionService, which invokes the getTransactionByAccount method.
