What is new in JUnit 4.x
For the first time in its history, JUnit 4 has significant changes to previous releases. It simplifies testing by using the annotation feature, which was introduced in Java 5 (JDK 1.5). One helpful feature is that tests no longer rely on sub classing, reflection, and naming conventions. JUnit 4 allows you to mark any method in any class as an executable test case, just by adding the @Test annotation in front of the method. Table | 3-1 lists some important annotations.
Table 23-1
JUnit 4.x annotation overview
There is an Open Source project available called JUnit 4 Extensions. It provides the @prerequisite(requires="methodName") annotation, which can be very helpful. It allows you to call another method before entering the test. The test will only be executed if this method returns true. An example is provided next.
You can find more information about the JUnit 4 Extension project at: