Executing the Jython script
We plan to execute the Jython script against the application server that is already configured in RAD v7.5.
Note that we used a JNDI name of jdbc/itsobank2 for the new data source, so that we do not have a conflict with an existing data source in the server.
To execute the Jython script, do these steps:
Make sure that the target server is started.
Right-click deployITSOBankApp.py and select Run As Æ Administrative Script.
In the Modify attributes and launch dialog:
Select WebSphere Application Server V7.0 for the Scripting runtime.
Select the WebSphere profile (was70profile1, or AppSrv01).
Specify user ID and password if the server runs with security enabled.
Click Run to execute the Jython script (Figure | 6-28).
Figure 26-28 Select the runtime and the WebSphere profile
The console view shows the result of the execution (Example | 6-8).
Example 26-8 Output of the Jython script
WASX7209I: Connected to process "server1" on node UELIT60Node02 using SOAP connector; The type of process is: UnManagedProcess
***** STEP 1 completed - The ITSO Derby JDBC Provider (XA) has been created Done creating the DS. Config saved ..Done modifying the DS. Config Saved ..
***** STEP 2 completed - Done creating the DS. Config saved ..***** App not found: RAD75EJBWebEAR. Installing it now
ADMA5016I: Installation of RAD75EJBWebEAR started.ADMA5058I: Application and module versions are validated with versions ofdeployment targets.ADMA5005I: The application RAD75EJBWebEAR is configured in the WebSphereApplication Server repository.ADMA5053I: The library references for the installed optional package arecreated.ADMA5005I: The application RAD75EJBWebEAR is configured in the WebSphere....ADMA5001I: The application binaries are saved in C:\<WAS_HOME>\profiles\AppSrv02\wstemp\Script1144d386b1d\workspace\cells\<cell>\applications\RAD75EJBWebEAR.ear\RAD75EJBWebEAR.earADMA5005I: The application RAD75EJBWebEAR is configured in the WebSphere ...SECJ0400I: Successfuly updated the application RAD75EJBWebEAR with theappContextIDForSecurity information.ADMA5011I: The cleanup of the temp directory for application RAD75EJBWebEAR is complete.ADMA5013I: Application RAD75EJBWebEAR installed successfully.
***** Done installing App: RAD75EJBWebEAR. Config saved ..***** App not found: RAD75EJBEAR. Installing it now
ADMA5016I: Installation of RAD75EJBEAR started.......ADMA5013I: Application RAD75EJBEAR installed successfully.
***** Done installing App: RAD75EJBEAR. Config saved ..
***** The startApplication operation for RAD75EJBEAR completed.
***** The startApplication operation for RAD75EJBWebEAR completed.