

Overview of the sample application

In this chapter, we develop a simple Java EE application client. It invokes the services of the EJB application that was developed in Chapter | 4, Developing EJB applications, to look up the customer information and account overview from a specified customer SSN.

The application uses a graphical user interface, implemented with Swing components, which displays the details for the customer with SSN 222-22-2222 (Figure | 7-2).

Figure 17-2 Interface for the sample application client

Figure | 7-3 shows a class diagram of the finished sample application:

The classes on the right-hand side of the class diagram are classes from the EJB enterprise application, while the three left-hand classes are part of the application client.

As the class diagram outlines, the application client controller class, BankDesktopController, uses the EJBBankBean session EJB to retrieve Customer and Account object instances, representing the customer and associated account(s) that are retrieved from the ITSOBANK database.

Figure 17-3 Class diagram for the Bank Java EE application client
