Importing Java resources from a JAR file into a project
This section describes how to import Java resources from a JAR file into an existing Java project in the workspace.
We use the ITSOBankApplication.jar file which we have created in Exporting Java applications to a JAR file. Alternatively, you can use the ITSOBankApplication.jar provided in the c:\7672code\java\jar directory included with the Redbooks publication sample code.
| Create a Java project called RAD75JavaImport with the default options.
| Right-click the RAD75JavaImport project in the Package Explorer and select Import.
| In the Import dialog, select General Æ Archive File and click Next.
| In the Import - Archive File dialog, click Browse and locate the JAR file (for example, c:\ITSOBankApplication.jar).
| Clear the files .classpath and .project and the folder META-INF. These files are created when required.
| Select RAD75JavaImport/src as Into folder, and click Finish.