

Testing the Web service with CICS access

To test the generated code, we use the Web Services Explorer.

Right-click Ec03WrapperService.wsdl and select Web Services Æ Test with Web Services Explorer.

The Web Services Explorer opens (Figure | 0-27):

Click the invoke operation.
For the arg0 parameter, click Add.
Type Hello as value.
Click Go.

Figure 20-27 Web Services Explorer

The Web service is invoked and you should obtain a SOAP message result as shown in Example | 0-5. Click Source in the Status pane to see the SOAP messages.

Example 20-5 Web service response (formatted for readability)

	<invokeResponse xmlns:ns2="http://cics.sample/">
			sample.cics.data.OutputContainer@5e905e90 Input data was: Hello
			sample.cics.data.InputContainer@5f005f00 Hello
			sample.cics.data.LengthContainer@5f255f25 Buffer Size: 4 bytes
				00000010 00000000 00000000 00000000 |................|
