

Preparing for the headless build

RAD v7.5 includes a runAnt.bat file that can be used to invoke Ant in headless mode and passes the parameters that you specify. This have to be customized for your environment.

The runAnt.bat file included with Application Developer is located in the following directory (for example, our <rad_home> directory is found in c:\IBM\SDP75):


To create a headless Ant build script for a Java EE project, do these steps:

Copy the runAnt.bat file to a new file called itsoRunAnt.bat.

Modify the WORKSPACE value in the itsoRunAnt.bat so that it points to your current workspace (Example | 5-2):

set WORKSPACE=C:\workspaces\RAD75proguide

Example 25-2 Snippet of the itsoRunAnt.bat (modified runAnt.bat)

set JAVAEXE="C:\IBM\SDP75\jdk\jre\bin\java.exe"
set LAUNCHER_JAR="C:\IBM\SDP75Shared\plugins\org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.0
REM #######################################################
REM #####  edit the "WORKSPACE" setting below #####
REM #######################################################
REM *********** The location of your workspace ************
set WORKSPACE=C:\workspaces\RAD75proguide

if not $%WORKSPACE%$==$$ goto check
