Requirement perspective
This perspective defines an initial set and layout of views in the Workbench window. The Requirement perspective includes a set of views that supports access to Rational RequisitePro requirements, documents, query results, properties, and traceability.
The Requirement perspective includes the following views:
| Requirement Explorer view-This view manages the set of requirement available in the Rational RequisitePro server.
| Requirement Link Problems view-Using this view, you can review and resolve link problems between requirements and domain elements. Association (or link) problems occur when associated artifacts are moved, deleted, or are otherwise unavailable.
| Requirement Query Results view-Using this view, you can create a view of query results for a particular requirement type. You can filter the view by searching, sorting, or displaying specific requirement attributes or properties.
| Link Clipboard view-Using this view, system architects or development managers can create association with the requirements in linkable domains such as Java EE.
| Requirement Trace view-In this view, you can modify traceability relationships in the Requirement Trace view. Requirement traceability is a relationship between two requirements that implies the source, derivation, or dependencies between the artifacts.
| Requirement Text view-This view displays the name and description of the selected requirement.
| Requirement Editor view-In this view, you can edit the name, description, and attributes for requirements.
Important: Rational RequisitePro has to be installed on your machine in order to have the requirement management capability enabled in Rational Application Developer v7.5 on the same machine. This is made clear in the message box that appears when you switch to the Requirement perspective and Rational RequisitePro is not installed on your machine.