CVS resource history
Within RAD v7.5, a developer can view the resource history of any file in a shared project. This is done in the CVS resource History view, which shows a list of all the revisions of a resource in the repository. From this view you can also compare two revisions, revert the existing workspace file to a previous revision, or open an editor to show the contents of a revision.
To demonstrate this feature, do these steps:
In the Enterprise Explorer, right-click ServletA.java and select Team Æ Show History, and the History view opens (Figure | 8-30).
Figure 28-30 CVS History view for ServletA.java
The CVS resource history displays the columns described in Table | 8-4.
Table 28-4
CVS resource history terminology
The following icons are available at the top of the History view:
Refresh-Refreshes the history shown for the currently shown resource.
Link Editor with Selection-A toggle switch which automatically shows the history of the resource currently being shown in the main editor.
Pin the History View-Locks the history view into showing just the currently selected resource's history. When this is toggled on then the Link Editor with Selection is automatically switched off.
Group Revisions by date-This changes the view to show the revisions ordered by date rather than by logical revision number. It is also possible to order the items in the History View by clicking on the column headers.
Local Revisions, Local and Remote Revisions, Local Revisions-These boxes provide three options, which type of revisions to show for the selected resource.
Compare Mode-If this toggle is on then double-clicking on a line in the history view shows a comparison between the selected repository file and the file in the workspace. If this is switched off then double- clicking displays the contents of that file revision.
Filters-This feature is available from the drop-down menu in the History view. It allows a user to filter the History view by author, date, or text within the check-in comments.