

Testing the generated Web service

To test the Web service, we use the Web Services Explorer.

Note: You cannot use the BankWS.wsdl in the WebContent folder to test the Web service. The Web service endpoint is set to http://www.example.org/ when we created this WSDL. The dynamic WSDL loading from the Services view does set the endpoint correctly.

To test the Web service, expand JAX-WS in the Services view, right-click RAD75TopDownBankWS and select Test with Web Services Explorer.

Test the getCustomer and getAccount operation. You should see that the correct result is displayed in the Web Services Explorer.


After you have created a Web service, you might want to make changes to it:

For example, you might want to add a new WSDL operation getBalanceByAccountId to the WSDL. After the WSDL is changed, you have to regenerate the Web service code and the existing business logic might be wiped out.

To retain your changes while updating the Web service, you can use the skeleton merge feature. This allows you to regenerate the Web service while keeping your changes intact. Select Window Æ Preferences Æ Web Services Æ Resource Management Æ Merge generated skeleton file.
