Testing the application
To start and test the basic application, do these steps:
In the Servers view, start the WebSphere Application Server v7.0.
Right-click the server and select Add and remove projects.
In the Add and Remove Projects dialog, select RAD75WebServiceEAR under, click Add, then click Finish.
Expand RAD7WebServiceWeb Æ WebContent, right-click search.html, and select Run As Æ Run on Server.
Select Choose an existing server and the v7.0 server to run the application and then click Finish.
The search page opens in a Web browser. Enter an appropriate value in the Social Security Number field, for example, 111-11-1111, and click Search. If everything is working correctly, you can see the customer's full name and first account with the balance, which have been read from the memory data.
The stateless session EJB, SimpleBankFacade, can be tested using the Universal Test Client (UTC). Refer to Testing with the Universal Test Client for more information about using the UTC. The methods are:
getCustomerFullName(ssn)-Retrieves the full name (use 111-11-1111).
getNumAccounts(ssn)-Retrieves the number of accounts.
getAccountId(ssn, int)-Retrieves the account ID by index (0,1,2,...).
getAccountBalance(accountId)-Retrieves the balance.
We now have some resources in preparation for the Web services sample, including a JavaBean in the RAD75WebServiceWeb project and a session EJB in the RAD75WebServiceEJB project. We use these as a base for developing and testing the Web services examples.