

Analyzing the test results

When the test run is finished, the execution result appears in the Test Navigator view. To analyze the test results, do these steps:

Double-click the execution result RAD75JUnitWebTest[<timestamp>] file in the Test Navigator view. The Test Log Overview tab is displayed (Figure | 3-16).

The test log gives the test verdict and the starting and stopping time of the test run. The verdict can be one of the following possibilities:

fail: One or more requests returned a HTTP code of 400 or greater,
or the server could not be reached during playback.
pass: No request returned a code of 400 or greater.
inconclusive: The test did not run to completion.
error: The test itself contains an error.

Figure 23-16 Test Log Overview tab

Note: In applications that use session data, you can run into errors because the session ID is stored in the generated test case. When you rerun such test cases, a new session ID is created by the server, and it does not match the recorded session ID.

The problem is a known Eclipse issue and there are a few discussions in the following two defects:


Click the Events tab to get detailed information about each single HTTP request (Figure | 3-17).

Figure 23-17 Test Log Events tab
