Data modeling
RAD v7.5 provides tools to create, modify, and generate DDL for data models. At any time when you are building a data model, you can analyze the model to verify that it is compliant with the defined constraints. If you make changes to the data model RAD provides tooling to compare the changed data model with the original data model.You can also perform an impact analysis to determine how the changes might affect other objects.
A physical data model is a database-specific model that represents relational data objects (for example, tables, columns, primary keys, and foreign keys) and their relationships. A physical data model can be used to generate DDL statements which can then be deployed to a database server.
In the Workbench, you can create and modify data models by using the Data Project Explorer, the Properties view, or a diagram of the model. You can also analyze models and generate DDL.
In this section, we will create the physical model from template, create tables using the data diagram and deploy the physical model to the database. This section includes the following tasks: