Web perspective and views
The Web perspective helps Web developers build and edit Web resources, such as servlets, JSPs, HTML pages, style sheets, and images, as well as the deployment descriptor files.
The Web perspective can be opened by selecting...
Window | Open Perspective | Web...from the Workbench.
In the Web perspective, there are many views accessible (by selecting Window Æ Show View), several of which are already open in the Web perspective default setting.
By default, the views available in the Web perspective are as follows:
Colors view When working with an HTML or JSP page in the Page Designer view, the colors view gives the user the facility to manipulate colors of cells, text, tables, and other HTML tags. Console view This view shows output to SystemOut from any running processes. Gallery view This view provides a large set of folders of predefined images, sounds, and style sheets users can apply to their Web pages. Links view Given what is shown in the Page Designer view, the Links view shows the links out from this file and elements in the Web project that link to it. Navigator view This view provides a project and folder view of the workspace (similar to Enterprise Explorer) but shows the files exactly as they exist in the file system. Outline view This view shows an outline of the file being viewed. For HTML and JSP this shows a hierarchy of tags around the current cursor position. Selecting a tag in this view will move the cursor in the main view to the selected element. This is particularly useful for moving quickly around a large HTML file. Page Data view When editing JSP files, this view gives a list of any page or scripting variables available. Page Designer WYSIWYG editor for JSP and HTML. This consists of three tabs, Design (where the user can drag and drop components onto the page), Source (showing the HTML), and Preview (giving an indication of what the final page looks like). Palette view When editing JSP or HTML files, this provides a list of HTML items (arranged in drawers) which can be dragged and dropped onto pages. Problems view This view shows any outstanding errors, warnings, or informational messages for the current workspace. Enterprise Explorer view This view shows a hierarchy view of all projects, folders and files in the workspace. Note that in the Web perspective it structures the information within Web projects in a way that makes navigation easier. Properties view This view shows the properties for the item currently selected in the main editor. Quick Edit view When editing HTML or JSP files, the Quick Edit view provides a mechanism to quickly add Java Script to a given screen component on certain events, for example onClick. Servers view This view is useful if the user wants to start or stop test servers while debugging. Snippets view This view allows editing of small bits of code, including adding and editing actions assigned to tags. Items from the Snippets view can be drag and dropped into the Quick Edit view. Styles view This view allows the user to edit and apply both pre-built and user-defined styles sheets to HTML elements and files. Tasks view This view allows the user to maintain a list of things to be done within the workspace. For Java code comment text tags can be configured that automatically add items to the Tasks list (see Window Æ Preferences then Java Æ Compiler Æ Task Tags to edit these tags) Thumbnails view Given the selection of a particular folder in the Gallery view, this view shows the contents of the folder.
For more information about the Web perspective and views, refer to Web perspective.