Home WebSphere eXtreme Scale v7.1 + Search Tips | Advanced Search Overview Configure WebSphere Commerce with eXtreme Scale Configure WXS DynaCache with Commerce Redbook eXtreme Scale with Commerce Best Practices Product overview eXtreme Scale overview New and deprecated features eXtreme Scale major concepts Planning Integrate with WebSphere products Product name changes Directory conventions Free trial Program and Administration Guides Cache Cache architecture Maps Containers and partitions Clients Catalog service Cache topology Local in-memory cache Peer-replicated local cache Distributed cache Embedded cache Multi-master replication Initial considerations for multi-master topology Available topologies for multi-master replication Topology considerations for multi-master replication Database integration Sparse and complete cache Side cache and in-line cache In-line caching Write-behind caching Loaders Data pre-loading and warm-up Map preloading Database synchronization Invalidate data Indexing Java object caching Class loader and classpath Relationship management Cache key considerations Serialization performance Insert data for different time zones Cache integration overview JPA Loaders JPA cache plug-in HTTP session management Listener-based session replication manager Dynamic cache provider Scalability overview Data grids, partitions, and shards Partitioning Placement and partitions Single-partition and cross-data-grid transactions Scaling in units or pods Availability overview High availability Replication for availability High-availability catalog service Catalog server quorums Replicas and shards Shard placement Reading from replicas Load balancing across replicas Shard life cycles Configure zones for replica placement Multi-master replication Available topologies for multi-master replication Topology considerations for multi-master replication Distribute transactions Map sets for replication Transaction processing overview Transactions CopyMode attribute Map entry locking Locking strategies Distribute transactions Single-partition and cross-data-grid transactions Security overview REST data services overview Spring framework Online IBM Support Fix Central WXS V7.1 Cumulative Fix 1 Deprecated APIs Deprecated APIs Client for WXS V7.1 download Enhance Commerce performance with WXS Dynamic cache service settings Configure dynamic cache service settings WebSphere Commerce data cache IBM Extended Cache Monitor for IBM WAS Display cache information Monitor performance with Tivoli Performance Viewer Dynacache Blog Integrate WebSphere Business Events with WXS Jazz community site Glossary Site map Tutorials Tutorials, examples, and samples Get started sample Entity manager tutorial Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 ObjectQuery tutorial Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Java SE security tutorial: overview Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 REST data services sample and tutorial Directory conventions Enable the REST data service Scalable data model in WXS Retrive and updating data with REST Start a stand-alone data grid for REST data services Start a data grid for REST data services in WAS Configure application servers for the REST data service Start REST data services in WAS v7.0 Start REST data services with WXS integrated in WAS 7.0 Start the REST data service in WAS Community Edition Start REST data services in Apache Tomcat Use a browser with REST data services Use a Java client with REST data services Visual Studio 2008 WCF client with REST data service Administration Administration guide Plan the WXS environment Plan overview Hardware and software Directory conventions JEE considerations Cache topology Local in-memory cache Peer-replicated local cache Distributed cache Embedded cache Multi-master replication Initial considerations for multi-master topology Available topologies for multi-master replication Topology considerations for multi-master replication Catalog service High-availability catalog service Catalog server quorums Containers and partitions Capacity planning Sizing memory and partition count calculation Sizing CPU per partition for transactions Sizing CPUs for parallel transactions Dynamic cache capacity planning Operational checklist Install Overview Install a stand-alone configuration Runtime files for installation Get started sample Install within WAS Runtime files for WAS installation Installation Factory for customized packages Build definition file Build definition file with Installation Factory Install a CIP Installation maintenance Uninstall packaging updates Create a build definition file and generating an IIP Install an IIP Modify a build definition file Silent installation wxssetup.response.txt file Create and augment profiles Use the graphical user interface to create profiles Use the graphical user interface to augment profiles manageprofiles command Non-root profiles Install silently Installation parameters Customize WXS for z/OS Install the WebSphere Customization Tools Generate customization definitions Upload and run customized jobs Uninstall WXS Upgrade Upgrade and migrate WXS v7.1 Update WXS servers Migrate to WXS v7.1 Use the Update Installer to install maintenance packages Configure Configure the deployment environment XML files for configuration Configure data grids Configure local deployments Configure evictors TimeToLive evictor Plug in a pluggable evictor Plug-ins for indexing data Configure a locking strategy Configure loaders Configure write-behind loader support Write-behind caching Write-behind caching support Handle failed write-behind updates Example: Writing a write-behind dumper class Configure peer-to-peer replication with JMS Distribute changes between peer JVMs JMS event listener ObjectGrid descriptor XML file objectGrid.xsd file Configure deployment policies Configure distributed deployments Controlling shard placement with zones Use zones for effective shard placement Zone-preferred routing Define zones for containers Zone definition examples for deployment file View zone information with xsadmin Configure failover detection Deployment policy descriptor XML file deploymentPolicy.xsd file Configure catalog and container servers Server properties file Configure WXS with WAS Configure the catalog service in WAS Create catalog service domains in WAS Catalog service domain administrative tasks Catalog service domain collection Catalog service domain settings Catalog service domain custom properties Configure container servers in WAS Configure WAS applications to automatically start container servers Configure quorum Best practice: Clustering the catalog service Configure multi-master replication topologies Configure ports Plan for network ports Configure ports in stand-alone mode Configure ports in a WAS environment Servers with multiple network cards Configure ORBs ORB properties file ORB properties and file descriptor settings Enable NIO or ChannelFramework on the ORB Use the ORB with stand-alone WXS processes Configure a custom ORB Configure clients Client properties file Configure clients Enable the client invalidation mechanism Configure request retry timeout values Configure entities Relationship management Entity metadata descriptor XML file emd.xsd file Configure cache integration Configure JPA loaders Configure a JPA time-based data updater JPA cache configuration properties JPA cache plug-in Hibernate cache plug-in configuration OpenJPA cache plug-in configuration Configure HTTP session managers XML files for HTTP session manager configuration Configure the HTTP session manager with WAS Automatically splicing applications for HTTP session management in WAS splicer.properties file Use WXS for SIP session management Configure HTTP session manager with WebSphere Portal Configure the HTTP session manager for various application servers Servlet context initialization parameters Configure the dynamic cache provider for WXS Configure Spring integration Spring descriptor XML file Spring objectgrid.xsd file Spring extension beans and namespace support Start a container server with Spring Configure the REST data service REST data service properties file Administer the REST data service Install the REST data service Deploy the REST data service on WAS Deploy the REST data service on WAS Community Edition Deploy the REST data service on Apache Tomcat Operate the deployment environment Start and stop stand-alone servers Start stand-alone servers Start a stand-alone catalog service Start container processes startOgServer script Stop stand-alone servers stopOgServer script Stop servers gracefully with the xsadmin tool Start and stop secure WXS servers Start and stop servers in a WAS environment Use the embedded server API to start and stop servers Embedded server API Manage ObjectGrid availability Ovveride catalog service quorum Administer programmatically with MBeans Access MBeans using the wsadmin tool Access MBeans programmatically Secure Secure the deployment environment Tutorial: Integrate WXS security with WAS Introduction Module 1: Prepare WAS Lesson 1.1: Understand the topology and get the tutorial files Lesson 1.2: Configure the WAS environment Module 2: Configure WXS to use WAS Authentication plug-ins Lesson 2.1: Configure client server security Lesson 2.2: Configure catalog server security Lesson 2.3: Configure container server security Lesson 2.4: Install and run the sample Module 3: Configure transport security Lesson 3.1: Configure CSIv2 inbound and outbound transport Lesson 3.2: Add SSL properties to the catalog server properties file Lesson 3.3: Check the orb.properties file Lesson 3.4: Run the sample Module 4: Use JAAS authorization in WAS Lesson 4.1: Enable WXS authorization Lesson 4.2: Enable user-based authorization Lesson 4.3: Configure group-based authorization Module 5: Use the xsadmin tool to monitor data grids and maps Tutorial: Security in a mixed environment Introduction Module 1: Prepare the environment Lesson 1.1: Understand the topology and get the tutorial files Lesson 1.2: Configure the WAS environment Module 2: Configure authentication Lesson 2.1: Configure WXS client security Lesson 2.2: Configure catalog server security Lesson 2.3: Configure container server security Lesson 2.4: Install and run the sample Module 3: Configure transport security Lesson 3.1: Configure CSIv2 inbound and outbound transport Lesson 3.2: Add SSL properties to the catalog server properties file Lesson 3.3: Check the orb.properties file Lesson 3.4: Run the sample Module 4: Use JAAS authorization in WAS Lession 4.1: Enable WXS authorization Lesson 4.2: Enable user-based authorization Module 5: Use the xsadmin tool to monitor data grids and maps Security integration with WAS Enable local security Start and stop secure servers Start secure servers in a stand-alone environment Stop secure servers Start secure servers in WAS Data grid authentication Data grid security Application client authentication Application client authorization Transport layer security and secure sockets layer Configure secure transport types Configure the orb.properties file for transport security support Configure SSL parameters JMX security Security integration with external providers Secure the REST data service Security descriptor XML file objectGridSecurity.xsd file Monitor Monitor the environment Statistics overview Monitor with the web console Logging in to the web console Connect the web console to catalog servers View statistics with the web console Monitor with the statistics API Statistics modules Monitor with the xsAdmin sample utility Attributes and arguments for xsadmin utility Create a configuration profile for the xsadmin utility Monitor with WAS PMI Enable PMI Retrive PMI statistics PMI modules Access MBeans using the wsadmin tool Monitor with MBeans Monitor with vendor tools IBM agent for Tivoli Monitoring CA Wily Introscope Monitor WXS with Hyperic HQ Monitor WXS information in DB2 Tune Operational checklist Operating systems and network tuning Plan for network ports ORB properties and file descriptor settings Enable NIO or ChannelFramework on the ORB JVM tuning for WXS JVM tuning Configure failover detection Use WebSphere Real Time WebSphere Real Time in a stand-alone environment WebSphere Real Time in WAS Tune IBM DynaCache Tune the cache sizing agent Cache memory consumption sizing Troubleshooting Troubleshoot Enable logs Enable trace Trace options Troubleshoot installation Troubleshoot client connectivity Troubleshoot loaders Troubleshoot XML configuration Troubleshoot security IBM Support Assistant for WXS Messages Release notes Glossary Site map Programming Program guide Plan to develop applications WXS programming interfaces Class loader and classpath Directory conventions Stand-alone deployment Applications with Apache Tomcat in Rational Application Developer Run an integrated client or server application with WAS in Rational Application Developer Access data with client applications ObjectGrid interface BackMap interface Connect to a distributed ObjectGrid Use ObjectGridManager createObjectGrid methods getObjectGrid methods removeObjectGrid methods Controlling the life cycle of an ObjectGrid Access the ObjectGrid shard Data access with indexes (Index API) Indexing Custom indexing plug-ins Plug-ins for indexing data Access data in WXS CopyMode best practices Byte array maps Use Sessions to access data in the grid SessionHandle for routing SessionHandle integration Cache objects with no relationships involved (ObjectMap API) Introduction to ObjectMap Dynamic maps ObjectMap and JavaMap Maps as FIFO queues Cache objects and their relationships (EntityManager API) Define an entity schema emd.xsd file EntityManager in a distributed environment Interacting with EntityManager Entity listeners and callback methods Entity listener examples EntityManager fetch plan support EntityManager interface performance impact Instrumentation agent Entity query queues EntityTransaction interface Entity manager tutorial Retrive entities and objects (Query API) Query data in multiple time zones Insert data for different time zones Use the ObjectQuery API Configure an ObjectQuery schema EntityManager Query API Simple queries with EntityManager Reference for WXS queries ObjectGrid query Backus-Naur Form Query performance tuning Query plan Query optimization using indexes Use non-key objects Program for transactions Transaction processing overview Transactions CopyMode attribute Map entry locking Locking strategies Distribute transactions Single-partition and cross-data-grid transactions Use locking Locks Exception handling for locking Configure a locking strategy Configure the lock timeout value Locking performance best practices Map entry locks with query and indexes Transaction isolation Optimistic collision exception Run parallel logic with the DataGrid API DataGrid APIs and partitioning DataGrid agents and entity-based Maps DataGrid API example Configure clients Track map updates Enable client-side map replication Access data with the REST data service Operations with the REST data service Request protocols for the REST data service Retrieve requests with the REST data service Retrive non-entities with REST data services Insert requests with REST data services Update requests with REST data services Delete requests with REST data services Optimistic concurrency Program with system APIs and plug-ins Introduction to plug-ins Plug-ins for evicting cache objects TimeToLive (TTL) evictor Plug in a pluggable evictor Write a custom evictor Evictor best practices Plug-ins for transforming cached objects Develop custom arbiters for multi-master replication ObjectTransformer plug-in Serialization performance ObjectTransformer best practices Plug-ins for versioning and comparing cache objects Event listener plug-ins MapEventListener plug-in ObjectGridEventListener plug-in Custom indexing plug-ins Use a composite index Persistent store plug-ins Write a loader JPA loaders JPAEntityLoader plug-in Use a loader with entity maps and tuples Write a loader with a replica preload controller Transaction life cycle plug-ins Transaction processing overview Introduction to plug-in slots External transaction managers WebSphereTransactionCallback plug-in Program for administrative tasks Embedded server API Use the embedded server API to start and stop servers Monitor with the statistics API Monitor with WAS PMI Enable PMI Retrive PMI statistics PMI modules Program for JPA integration JPA Loaders Client-based JPA preload utility overview Implement JPA preload ClientLoader.load parameters JPA time-based data updater Start the JPA time-based updater Program for Spring integration Spring framework Manage transactions with Spring Spring managed extension beans Spring extension beans and namespace support Start a container server with Spring Program for security Security API Client authentication programming Client authorization programming Data grid authentication Local security Partitions (deprecated) Partitions Partition life cycle Partition creation IIOP routing to a partition A partitioned stateless session bean Partitioned J2EE application A partitioned HTTP application Samples overview Partitioning facility examples The partitioning facility Partitioning objective and benefits J2EE partitioning capabilities EJB workload partitioning Typical J2EE enterprise bean clustered workload processing Partitioning facility EJB workload management Capabilities of an EJB workload enabled by the partitioning facility HTTP partitioning The role of the ODR Extract partition names from HTTP requests Database partitioning z/OSzOS platform considerations z/OSzOS restrictions in WPF WPF programming pattern in z/OSzOS Partitioning facility programming Partitioned EJB overview Partitioned stateless session bean Partition routable session bean Interface for a partitioned stateless session bean Partitioning facility requirements Partitioning facility restrictions Partition alias Compatibility with WebSphere Extended Deployment v5.1 Partition grouping overview Partition alias programming Partition alias runtime Usage scenario for a partition alias Partition grouping programming Develop partitioning facility applications with WSAD v5.1 Use WSAD 5.1 with a new partitioned application Create a partition stateless session bean Add sample partitions Update the getPartitions method Update the isPartitionAlive method Import the WPFKeyBasedPartitionSample sample application Partitioning facility framework programming model PartitionDefinition PartitionScope PartitionManager PartitionHandlerLocal Threading issues for the PSSB callback methods Write an application client Modify the enterprise bean stubs Data partitioning patterns Variable partition set Fixed partition set Singleton pattern Hash based partitioning Slave multiple reader and Master single writer pattern Partition specific CMP data Option A CMPs Efficiently removing an option A CMP instance Proxy DataSource development CMP datasource overview Proxy DataSource programming model API Develop applications using proxy datasource support in WSAD Create ProxyDSAccountSample project Create entity EJBs Account and AccountOwner Create PRSB AccountTransaction Create PSSB AccountPartitionBean Set the classpath Set the connection factory for the CMP EJBs Configure the resource references for the session bean Configure Proxy DataSource in WXS Configure the database Create J2EE Connector architecture authentication alias Create DB2DB2 data sources Create proxy datasource Install D_ProxyDSAccountSample.ear application Run the application client Partitioning facility PMI client programming HTTP partitions Structure of an HTTP partitioning facility application Specify HTTP partitions in partitions.xml A generic HttpPartitionBean packaging Colocating the generic PSSB and servlets The HttpPartitionFilter packaging Load servlets at startup HTTP programming interfaces The HttpPartitionManager The HttpPartitionExpression The notification interface Other servlet API HttpPartitionManager methods An example The EJB API and extending the HttpPartitionBean EJB-specific HttpPartitionManager methods HttpPartitionBean details Mixing programming interfaces and partitions.xml Manage the partitioning facility environment HA manager and partitioning facility HA manager overview HA managed policy applied to partitioning Partitions in HA manager implementation Policy Administration Relation of a partition to an HA group Partition scope Too many policies Too many partitions Advanced HA manager concepts Define more than one coordinator Partition activation reaction times Memory usage General cluster and WPF management considerations Scalability considerations Conservative partition design Physical machines CPU and paging utilization Application thread pools Control node and application server in the cluster Schedule the operating system to use shorter times Mixing application types SMP machines preferred in partitioned implementations On demand LPAR resource advantages Busy partitions Move busy partitions to a less busy server Move the less critical partitions to another server LPAR expansion Management script wpfadmin and usage Management parameters Retrive statistics on partitioned applications listActive listActiveWithGroups countActivePartitionsOnServers countActiveGroupsOnServers list listGroups coreGroupStatus move balance disablePartition enablePartition addServerToCoreGroup removeServerFromCoreGroup enableWPFPMI subscribeWPFPMI setPartitionCount setStatisticsRange setEJBName setStatisticsType setStatisticsInterval getTransactionCount getResponseTime getFailedTransactionCount setTraceSpec unsubscribeWPFPMI disableWPFPMI createPolicy createMultiplePolicies updatePolicy deletePolicy updateJMXTimeout updateCoreGroupCoordinators updateHamConfig listPolicies queryPolicy resolvePolicyForGroup Performance Monitoring Performance monitoring Partitioning facility PMI enablement Enable partitioning facility PMI from the wpfadmin command Partitioning facility PMI path Partitioning facility PMI data aggregation Partitioning facility PMI statistics subscription Subscribe to partitioning facility PMI statistics using the wpfadmin command The partitioning facility PMI statistics retrieval Partitioning facility PMI statistics parameters Application name and session EJB Statistics type Statistics range Partition count Statistics aggregation interval WPF PMI aggregator policy Scalability related configuration Proxy datasource management Problem resolutions Client invocation problems Proxy datasource problems Workload routing problems An example of the partitioning facility Configuration quick start Start the deployment manager Add nodes to the deployment manager Cluster configuration Install the sample application Start the cluster Run operations for the partitioning facility Verification process Launch a client application Troubleshoot launchclient Balancing the partitions Launch a client application Add a partition dynamically Monitor transaction performance statistics Enable performance monitoring Monitor partitions through the deployment manager Manage policies example overview Example summary Performance considerations JVM tuning CopyMode best practices Byte array maps Evictor best practices Locking performance best practices Serialization performance ObjectTransformer best practices Query performance tuning Troubleshooting Troubleshoot Enable logs Enable trace Trace options Troubleshoot client connectivity Troubleshoot loaders Troubleshoot deadlocks Troubleshoot security IBM Support Assistant for WXS Messages
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