Administration guide > Install > Installing within WAS
Create and augment profiles for WebSphere eXtreme Scale
After you install the product, create unique types of profiles and augment existing profiles for WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
Augmenting profiles for use with WebSphere eXtreme Scale is optional, but is required in the following usage scenarios:
- To automatically start a catalog service or container in a WAS process.
Without augmenting the server profiles, servers can only be started programmatically using the ServerFactory API or as separate processes using the startOgServer scripts.
- To use Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) to monitor eXtreme Scale metrics.
- To display the version of eXtreme Scale in the WAS administrative console.
Run within WAS v6.0.2If the environment contains WAS v6.0.2, use the wasprofile command to create or augment profiles for eXtreme Scale as shown in the following example:
cd was_root/bin ./ -augment -profileName dmgr_01 -templatePath "/WAS70/AppServer/profileTemplates/xs_augment/dmgr"
Run within WAS v6.1 or Version 7.0If the environment contains WAS v6.1 or Version 7.0, you can use the Profile Management Tool plug-in or the manageprofiles command to create and augment profiles.
What to do next
Depending on which task you choose to complete, launch the First steps console for assistance with configuring and testing your product environment. The First steps console is in...
wxs_install_root/firststeps/wxs/firststeps.batYou can also create or augment additional profiles by repeating any of the preceding tasks.
- Use the graphical user interface to create profiles
Use the GUI, which is provided by the Profile Management Tool plug-in, to create profiles for eXtreme Scale. A profile is a set of files that define the runtime environment.
- Use the graphical user interface to augment profiles
After you install the product, you can augment an existing profile to make it compatible with eXtreme Scale.
- manageprofiles command
Use the manageprofiles utility to create profiles with the eXtreme Scale template, and augment and unaugment existing application server profiles with the eXtreme Scale augment templates. To use the features of the product, the environment must contain at least one profile augmented for the product.
- Non-root profiles
Give a non-root user permissions for files and directories so that the non-root user can create a profile for the product. The non-root user can also augment a profile that was created by a root user, a different non-root user, or the same non-root user.
Parent topic:
Install eXtreme Scale or eXtreme Scale Client with WAS
Related reference