Access data with the REST data service
Develop applications that perform operations using REST data service protocols.
- Operations with the REST data service
After you start the eXtreme Scale REST data service, you can use any HTTP client to interact with it. A Web browser, PHP client, Java client or WCF Data Services client can be used to issue any of the supported request operations.
- Request protocols for the REST data service
In general, the protocols for interacting with the REST service are the same as those described in the WCF Data Services AtomPub protocol. However, eXtreme Scale does provide additional details, from eXtreme Scale Entity Model perspective. Users are expected to be familiar with the WCF Data Services protocols before reading this section. Alternatively, users can read this section with the WCF Data Services protocol section.
- Optimistic concurrency
The eXtreme Scale REST data service uses an optimistic locking model by using native HTTP headers: If-Match, If-None-Match, and ETag. These headers are sent in request and response messages to relay an entity's version information from the server to client and client to server.
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Related reference
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