Product overview > Tutorials, examples, and samples > REST data services sample and tutorial > Configure application servers for the REST data service
Start the REST data service in WebSphere Application Server Community Edition
This topic describes how to configure and start the eXtreme Scale REST data service using WebSphere Application Server Community Edition.
Before you begin
Verify that the sample data grid is started. See Enable the REST data service for details on how to start the grid.
- Download and install WebSphere Application Server Community Edition v2.1.1.3 or later to wasce_root, such as: /opt/IBM/wasce
- Start the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server by running the following command:
If the eXtreme Scale grid was started with eXtreme Scale security enabled, set the following properties in the restservice_home/gettingstarted/restclient/bin/ file.
ogClientPropertyFile=restservice_home/gettingstarted/security/ loginType=none
- Install the eXtreme Scale REST data service and the provided sample into the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server:
- Add the ObjectGrid client runtime JAR to the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition repository:
- Open the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition administration console and log in.
Tip: The default URL is: http://localhost:8080/console. The default user ID is system and password is manager.
- Click the Repository, in the Services folder.
- In the Add Archive to Repository section, fill in the following into the input text boxes:
Table 1. Archive to repository Text box Value File wxs_home/lib/ogclient.jar Group Artifact ogclient Version 7.0 Type jar
- Click the Install button.
Tip: See the following tech note for details on different methods of configuration class and library dependencies: Specify external dependencies to applications running on WebSphere Application Server Community Edition.
- Deploy the REST data service module, which is the wxsrestservice.war file, to the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition server.
- Edit the sample restservice_home/gettingstarted/wasce/geronimo-web.xml deployment XML file to include path dependencies to the getting started sample classpath directories:
Change the classesDirs paths for the two getting started client GBeans:
- The "classesDirs" path for the GettingStarted_Client_SharedLib GBean should be set to: restservice_home/gettingstarted/restclient/bin
- The "classesDirs" path for the GettingStarted_Common_SharedLib GBean should be set to: restservice_home/gettingstarted/common/bin
- Open the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition administrative console and log in.
Tip: The default URL is: http://localhost:8080/console. The default user ID is system and password is manager.
- Click Deploy New.
- On the Install New Applications page, enter the following values into the text boxes:
Table 2. Installation values Text box Value Archive restservice_home/lib/wxsrestservice.war Plan restservice_home/gettingstarted/wasce/geronimo-web.xml
- Click on the Install button.
The console page should indicate that the application was successfully installed and started.
- Examine the WebSphere Application Server Community Edition system output log or console to verify that the REST data service has started successfully by verify that the following message is present:
CWOBJ4000I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service has been started.
- Verify that the REST data service is working:
- Open the following link in a browser window: http://localhost:8080/wxsrestservice/restservice/NorthwindGrid. The service document for the NorthwindGrid grid is displayed.
- Open the following link in a browser window: http://localhost:8080/wxsrestservice/restservice/NorthwindGrid/$metadata. The Entity Model Data Extensions (EDMX) document is displayed.
- To stop the grid processes, use CTRL+C in the respective command window to stop the process.
- To stop WebSphere Application Server Community Edition, use the following command:
Tip: The default user ID is system and password is manager. If you are using a custom port, use the -port option.
Parent topic:
Configure application servers for the REST data service
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