Product overview > Cache > Caching architecture



Clients connect to a catalog service, retrieve a description of the server topology, and communicate directly to each server as needed. When the server topology changes because new servers are added or existing servers have failed, the dynamic catalog service routes the client to the appropriate server that is hosting the data. Clients must examine the keys of application data to determine which partition to route the request. Clients can read data from multiple partitions in a single transaction. However, clients can update only a single partition in a transaction. After the client updates some entries, the client transaction must use that partition for updates.

The possible deployment combinations are included in the following list:

Possible topologies

Parent topic:

Cache architecture: Maps, containers, clients, and catalogs

Related concepts


Container servers, partitions, and shards

Catalog service

Cache topology: In-memory and distributed caching

Configure clients

Related tasks

Configure clients


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