Administration guide > Configure the deployment environment > Configuring the REST data service > Install the REST data service
Deploy the REST data service on WAS
This topic describes how to configure the WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service on WAS orWAS ND v6.1.0.25 or later. These instructions also apply to deployments whereWebSphere eXtreme Scale is integrated with the WAS deployment.
Before you begin
You must have one of the following environments on the system to configure and deploy the REST data service for WebSphere eXtreme Scale.
- WAS with the stand-alone WebSphere eXtreme Scale client:
- The WebSphere eXtreme Scale Trial v7.1 with the REST data service is downloaded and extracted or theWebSphere eXtreme Scale v7.1.0.0 with cumulative fix 2 product is installed into a stand-alone directory.
- WAS v6.1.0.25 or or later is installed and running.
- WAS integrated with WebSphere eXtreme Scale:
WebSphere eXtreme Scale v7.1.0.0 with cumulative fix 2 is installed on top of WAS v6.1.0.25 or 7.0 (or later).
Tip: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service only requires that the WebSphere eXtreme Scale client option be installed. The profile does not need to be augmented.
Read about how to enable Java™ 2 security in the WAS information center.
- Configure and start a data grid.
- For details on configuring a data grid for use with the REST data service, see Configure the deployment environment.
- Verify that an eXtreme Scale client can connect to and access entities in the data grid. For an example, see Run the getting started sample application.
- Build the eXtreme Scale REST service configuration JAR or directory. See the information about packaging and deploying the REST service in Install the REST data service.
- Add the REST data service configuration JAR or directory to the application server classpath:
- Open the WAS administrative console
- Navigate to Environment > Shared libraries
- Click New
- Add the following entries into the appropriate fields:
- Name: extremescale_rest _configuration
- Classpath: <REST service configuration jar or directory>
- Click OK
- Save the changes to the master configuration
- If WebSphere eXtreme Scale is integrated with the WAS installation, skip this step and proceed to step 5. Otherwise, continue:
Add the WebSphere eXtreme Scale client runtime JAR, wsogclient.jar, and the REST data service configuration JAR or directory to the application server classpath:
- Open theWAS administrative console
- Navigate to Environment > Shared libraries
- Click New
- Add the following entries into the fields:
- Name: extremescale_client_v71
- Classpath: wxs_home/lib/wsogclient.jar
- Click OK
- Save the changes to the master configuration
- Install the REST data service EAR file, wxsrestservice.ear, to the WAS using the administrative console:
- Open the WAS administrative console
- Navigate to Applications > New application
- Browse to the /lib/wxsrestservice.ear file on the file system and select it and click Next.
- If using WAS version 7.0, click Next.
- If using WAS version 6.1, enter a Context Root value with the name: /wxsrestservice and continue to the next step.
- Choose the detailed installation option, and click Next.
- On the application security warnings screen, click Continue.
- Choose the default installation options, and click Next.
- Choose a server to map the application to, and click Next.
- On the JSP reloading page, use the defaults, and click Next.
- On the shared libraries page, map the "wxsrestservice.war" module to the following shared libraries defined in steps 3 and 4:
- extremescale_rest_configuration
- extremescale_client_v71
Tip: This shared library is required only if WebSphere eXtreme Scale is not integrated with WAS.
- On the map shared library relationship page, use the defaults, and click Next.
- On the map virtual hosts page, use the defaults, and click Next.
- On the map context roots page, set the context root to: wxsrestservice
- On the Summary screen, click Finish to complete the installation.
- Save the changes to the master configuration.
- Start the "wxsrestservice" WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service application:
- Choose application
- If using WAS version 7.0: In the administrative console, click onApplications > Application Types > WebSphere Applications
- If using WAS version 6.1: In the administrative console, click on ApplicationsEnterprise Applications.
- Check the check box next to the "wxsrestservice " application, and click Start.
- Review the SystemOut.log file for the application server profile. When the REST data service has started successfully, the following message is displayed in the SystemOut.log file for the server profile:
CWOBJ4000I: The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service has been started.
- Verify the REST data service is working: The port number can be found in the SystemOut.log file within the application server profile logs directory by looking at the first port displayed for message identifier: SRVE0250I. The default port is 9080.
For example: http://localhost:9080/wxsrestservice/restservice/NorthwindGrid/ Result: The AtomPub service document is displayed.
Parent topic:
Install the REST data service
Related tasks
Deploy the REST data service on WAS Community Edition
Deploy the REST data service on Apache Tomcat
Configure the REST data service
Administer the REST data service
Related reference
REST data service properties file