Program guide > Access data with client applications

Cache objects and their relationships (EntityManager API)

Most cache products use map-based APIs to store data as key-value pairs. The ObjectMap API and the dynamic cache in WAS, among others, use this approach. However, map-based APIs have limitations. The EntityManager API simplifies the interaction with the eXtreme Scale cache by providing an easy way to declare and interact with a complex graph of related objects.

Map-based API limitations

If you are using a map-based API, such as the dynamic cache in WAS or the ObjectMap API, you have to take the following limitations into consideration:

Use EntityManager

The EntityManager API uses the existing Map-based infrastructure, but it converts entity objects to and from tuples before storing or reading them from the Map. An entity object is transformed into a key tuple and a value tuple, which are then stored as key-value pairs. A tuple is an array of primitive attributes.

This set of APIs significantly eases the use of eXtreme Scale by following the Plain Old Java Object (POJO) style of programming that is adopted by most frameworks.

Parent topic:

Access data with client applications

Related concepts

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Related reference

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