Program guide > Access data with the REST data service > Request protocols for the REST data service

Delete requests with REST data services

The WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service can delete entities, property values and links.

Delete an entity

The DeleteEntity Request can delete an eXtreme Scale entity from the REST data service.

If any relation to the to-be-deleted entity has cascade-delete set, then the eXtreme Scale Rest data service will delete the related entity or entities. For more details on the DeleteEntity request, refer to MSDN Library: DeleteEntity Request.

The following DeleteEntity request deletes the customer with key 'IBM'.

Delete a property value

The DeleteValue Request sets an eXtreme Scale entity property to null.

Any property of an eXtreme Scale entity can be set to null with a DeleteValue request.

To set a property to null, ensure all of the following:

However, such a delete request could be rejected by the database backend if, for example, the property is not nullable in the database. In this case, the REST data service returns a 500 (Internal Server Error) response. For more details on the DeleteValue request, refer to: MSDN Library: DeleteValue Request.

Here is a DeleteValue request example. In this example, we set the contact name of Customer('IBM') to null.

Delete a link

The DeleteLink request can removes an association between two eXtreme Scale entity instances. The association can be a to-one relation or a to-many relation. However, such a delete request could be rejected by the database backend if, for example, the foreign key constraint is set. In this case, the REST data service returns a 500 (Internal Server Error) response. For more details on the DeleteLink request, refer to: MSDN Library: DeleteLink Request.

The following DeleteLink request removes the association between Order(101) and its associated Customer.

Parent topic:

Request protocols for the REST data service

Related reference

Retrieve requests with the REST data service

Retrive non-entities with REST data services

Insert requests with REST data services

Update requests with REST data services


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