Program guide > (deprecated) Partitioning facility > Manage the partitioning facility environment > Performance monitoring

Deprecated feature: The partitioning facility (WPF) feature is deprecated. You can configure partitioning with WebSphere eXtreme Scale.

Partitioning facility PMI data aggregation

Since partitions are activated in different application servers, PMI data for all partitions are possibly spread in different application servers in a cluster. Most likely, the N most active partitions in the whole cluster are of the most interest. The partitioning facility (WPF) provides a PMI aggregation and sorting feature to satisfy this requirement.

WPF elects one server as the PMI aggregator, which aggregates the partition statistics data from all servers. The PMI aggregator is an HA group with one of N policy. The policy name is called the WPF PMI aggregator policy. You can customize the policy using the wpfadmin tool. At any time, there is only one PMI aggregator active in the core group. This aggregator is responsible for aggregating the statistics for all the partitioned applications. The best practice is to let this PMI aggregator run on a separate server from those housing partitions so it will not slow down business execution. Each application server is responsible for publishing all of its partition PMI data when PMI is turned on. The aggregator will run at a user-specified interval, thus cutting down the volume of statistics the user will be shown. The PMI aggregator will do the following:

Users can specify the statistics interests when they subscribe the partitioning facility PMI statistics. These interests include application name and session EJB name, statistics type, statistics range, partition count, and aggregation interval. They can also changes these interest after they subscribe them.

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Performance monitoring

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Performance monitoring


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