Product overview > Tutorials, examples, and samples > REST data services sample and tutorial

Directory conventions

The following directory conventions are used throughout the documentation to must reference special directories such as wxs_install_root and wxs_home. You access these directories during several different scenarios, including during installation and use of command-line tools.


The wxs_install_root directory is the root directory where WebSphere eXtreme Scale product files are installed. The wxs_install_root directory can be the directory in which the trial zip file is extracted or the directory in which the WebSphere eXtreme Scale product is installed.

  • Example when extracting the trial:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/eXtremeScale

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is installed to a stand-alone directory:

    Example: /opt/IBM/eXtremeScale

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is integrated with WAS:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer


The wxs_home directory is the root directory of the WebSphere eXtreme Scale product libraries, samples and components. This is the same as the wxs_install_root directory when the trial is extracted. For stand-alone installations, the wxs_home directory is the ObjectGrid sub-directory within the wxs_install_root directory. For installations that are integrated with WAS, this directory is the optionalLibraries/ObjectGrid directory within the wxs_install_root directory.

  • Example when extracting the trial:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/eXtremeScale

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is installed to a stand-alone directory:

    Example: /opt/IBM/eXtremeScale/ObjectGrid

  • Example when WebSphere eXtreme Scale is integrated with WAS:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/optionalLibraries/ObjectGrid


The was_root directory is the root directory of a WAS installation:

Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer


The restservice_home directory is the directory in which the WebSphere eXtreme Scale REST data service libraries and samples are located. This directory is named restservice and is a sub-directory under the wxs_home directory.

  • Example for stand-alone deployments:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/eXtremeScale/ObjectGrid/restservice

  • Example for WAS integrated deployments:

    Example: /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/optionalLibraries/ObjectGrid/restservice


The tomcat_root is the root directory of the Apache Tomcat installation.

Example: /opt/tomcat5.5


The wasce_root is the root directory of the WAS Community Edition installation.



The java_home is the root directory of a Java™ Runtime Environment (JRE) installation.



The samples_home is the directory in which you extract the sample files that are used for tutorials.


Parent topic:

WebSphere eXtreme Scale overview

Parent topic:

REST data services sample and tutorial

Related concepts

WebSphere eXtreme Scale major concepts

Plan overview

Integrate with WebSphere products

Product name changes

Free trial

Program and Administration Guides

Enable the REST data service

Related tasks

Configure application servers for the REST data service

Use a browser with REST data services

Use a Java client with REST data services

Related reference

New and deprecated features in this release

Visual Studio 2008 WCF client with REST data service


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