Administration guide > Configure the deployment environment > Configuring ports

Configure ports in stand-alone mode

You can configure the necessary ports for servers and clients in an eXtreme scale deployment by using command-line parameters, property files or programmatically. Most examples included in the following sections describe command-line parameters to the or startOgServer.bat scripts or to the java command. Equivalent configuration options can also be set in properties files, using the embedded server API or the client API.


  1. Start catalog service endpoints

    WebSphere eXtreme Scale uses IIOP to communicate between JVMs. The catalog service JVMs are the only processes that require the explicit configuration of ports for the IIOP services and group services ports. Other processes dynamically allocate ports.

    The client port and peer port are used for communication between catalog services in a catalog service domain. To specify the client port and peer port, use the following command-line option:


    The catalog service end points can also be set using the catalogClusterEndPoints catalog server property. The Object Request Broker (ORB) listener port is used for communication between catalog services in a catalog service domain, and for communication between catalog services and container servers and clients. To specify the listener port and listener host, use the following command-line options:


    The listener port and listener host can also be set using the listenerHost and listenerPort server property.

    The JMX service port is used for communication from JMX clients. To specify the JMX service port, use the following command-line option:


    The JMX service port can also be set using the JMXServicePort server property. When security is enabled, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) port is also required. To specify the SSL port, use the following command-line option:


    Example using the command-line

    Start the first catalog server on hostA. An example of the command follows:

    ./ cs1 -listenerHost hostA -listenerPort 2809
    -catalogServiceEndPoints cs1:hostA:6601:6611,cs2:hostB:6601:6611

    Start the second catalog server on hostB. An example of the command follows:

    ./ cs2 -listenerHost hostB -listenerPort 2809
    -catalogServiceEndPoints cs1:hostA:6601:6611,cs2:hostB:6601:6611

    Catalog service Java™ virtual machine (JVM) end points

    WebSphere eXtreme Scale uses IIOP mainly to communicate between Java virtual machines. The catalog service Java virtual machines are the only Java virtual machines that require the explicit configuration of ports for the IIOP services and group services ports. The internal ports are specified using the -catalogServiceEndPoints command line option:


    The IIOP ports are configured using the following command line options:


    When each catalog service JVM is started, specify the complete set of catalog service endpoints along with a single listener port for that JVM.

  2. Start container endpoints

    The following command starts a container JVM to use with the example catalog service:

    ./ c0 -catalogServiceEndPoints hostA:2809,hostB:2809

    The container Java virtual machines use two ports. The HA manager port is used for internal communication between peer container servers and catalog servers. The listener port is used for IIOP communication between peer container servers, catalog servers and clients. If you do not specify, both ports are dynamically selected. However, if you want to explicitly configure ports, such as in a firewall environment, you can use a command line option to specify the ORB port. To specify the listener port and listener host, use the following command-line options:


    The listener port and listener host can also be set using the listenerHost and listenerPort server property.

    The listener host is used to bind the ORB to a specific network adapter.

    To specify the HA manager port, use the following command-line option:


    The listener port and listener host can also be set using the HAManagerPort server property.

    When security is enabled, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) port is also required. To specify the SSL port, use the following command-line option:


  3. Start client endpoints

    Clients only need to know the catalog service listener end points. Clients retrieve end points for container Java virtual machines, which are the Java virtual machines that hold the data, automatically from the catalog service. To connect to the catalog service in the previous example, the client should pass the following list of host:port pairs to the connect API:


    The client can also receive callbacks from container servers when using the DataGrid API. These callbacks communicate using IIOP with the ORB listener port. To specify the port and network adapter to receive callbacks, set the listenerHost and listenerPort properties in the client properties file.

    When security is enabled, a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) port is also required. To specify the SSL port, use the following system property when starting the client process:<sslPort>

Parent topic:

Configure ports

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