Administration guide > Configure the deployment environment > Configuring cache integration > Configuring HTTP session managers > Configuring the HTTP session manager with WAS file

The file contains all of the configuration options for configuring a servlet-filter-based session manager.

Sample splicer properties

# Properties file that contains all the configuration
# options that the servlet filter based ObjectGrid session
# manager can be configured to use.
# This properties file can be made to hold all the default
# values to be assigned to these configuration settings, and
# individual settings can be overridden using ANT Task
# properties, if this properties file is used in conjunction
# with the filtersplicer ANT task.

# A string value of either "REMOTE" or "EMBEDDED".  The default is REMOTE.
# If it is set to "REMOTE", the session data will be stored outside of
# the server on which the web application is running. If it is set to
# "EMBEDDED", an embedded WebSphere eXtreme Scale container will start
# in the application server process on which the web application is running.

objectGridType = REMOTE

# A string value that defines the name of the ObjectGrid
# instance used for a particular web application. The default name
# is session. This property must reflect the objectGridName in both
# the objectgrid.xml and deployment xml files used to start the eXtreme
# Scale containers.

objectGridName = session

# Catalog Server can be contacted to obtain a client side 
# ObjectGrid instance.  The value needs to be of the 
# form "host:port<,host:port>", where the host is the listener host 
# on which the catalog server is running, and the port is the listener
# port for that catalog server process.
# This list can be arbitrarily long and is used for bootstrapping only. 
# The first viable address will be used.  It is optional inside WebSphere
# if the property is configured.

# catalogHostPort = host:port<,host:port>

# An integer value (in seconds) that defines the time in seconds between
# writing of updated sessions to ObjectGrid. The default is 2. This property
# is only used when objectGridType is set to REMOTE. Possible values are 
# from 0 to 60. 0 means updated sessions are written to the ObjectGrid 
# at the end of servlet service method call for each request. If objectGridType
# is set to EMBEDDED, updated sessions are written to the local ObjectGrid
# at the end of servlet service method call for each request.

replicationInterval = 2

# An integer value that defines the number of session references 
# kept in memory. The default is 2000. This property is only used when
# objectGridType is set to REMOTE. When the number of sessions stored
# in memory in the web container exceeds this value, the least recently
# accessed session is invalidated from the web container. If a request
# comes in for that session after it's been invalidated, a new session
# will be created (with a new session ID), populated with the invalidated
# session's attributes. This value should always be set to be higher than
# the maximum size of the web container thread pool to avoid contention
# on this session cache.  

sessionTableSize = 2000

# A string value of either "true" or "false", default is "true".
# It is to control whether we store session data as a whole entry 
# or store each attribute separately.
# This property was referred to as persistenceMechanism in the
# previous filter-based implementation, with the possible values
# of ObjectGridStore (fragmented) and ObjectGridAtomicSessionStore
# (not fragmented).

fragmentedSession = true

# A string value of either "true" or "false", default is "false".
# Enables eXtreme Scale client security. This setting needs to match
# the securityEnabled setting in the eXtreme Scale server properties
# file. If the settings do not match, an exception occurs.

securityEnabled = false

# Specifies the name of the class that implements the 
# interface. This class is used to get credentials for clients.

# credentialGeneratorClass = 

# Specifies the properties for the CredentialGenerator implementation
# class. The properties are set to the object with the setProperties(String)
# method. The credentialGeneratorProps value is used only if the value of the
# credentialGeneratorClass property is not null.

# credentialGeneratorProps = 

# The file location of the objectgrid.xml file.  
# The built-in xml file packaged in the eXtreme Scale library
# will automatically be loaded if this property
# is not specified and if objectGridType=EMBEDDED

# objectGridXML =

# The file location of the objectGrid deployment policy xml file.
# The built-in xml file packaged in the eXtreme Scale library
# will automatically be loaded if this property
# is not specified and if objectGridType=EMBEDDED

# objectGridDeploymentXML =

# A string of IBM WebShere trace specification, 
# useful for all other application servers besides WebSphere.
# traceSpec =

# A string of trace file location. 
# useful for all other application servers besides WebSphere.

# traceFile=

# Allows for the override of the servlet spec designated
# cookie / encoded URL name of "JSESSIONID"
# If the cookieName value is changed from JSESSIONID, the
# application servers must be configured to use this value
# as well.

# cookieName = JSESSIONID

# This property should be set if you require sessions to be 
# accessible across hosts. The value will be the name of the
# common domain between the hosts.

# cookieDomain=

# Set to true if the underlying web container will reuse
# session ID's across requests to different hosts. Default is
# false. The value of this should be the same as what is set
# in the web container.

# reuseSessionId=

# A string value of either "true" or "false". The default is
# "false". Per the servlet specification, HTTP Sessions cannot
# be shared across web applications. An extension to the servlet
# specification is provided to allow this sharing.

# shareSessionsAcrossWebApps = false

Parent topic:

Configure the HTTP session manager with WAS

Related concepts

HTTP session management

Related tasks

Configure the HTTP session manager for various application servers


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