Program guide > Access data with client applications

BackMap interface

Each ObjectGrid instance contains a collection of BackingMap objects. Use the defineMap method or the createMap method of the ObjectGrid interface to name and add each BackingMap to an ObjectGrid instance. These methods return a BackingMap instance that is then used to define the behavior of an individual Map. A BackingMap can be considered as an in-memory cache of committed data for an individual map.

Session interface

The Session interface is used to begin a transaction and to obtain the ObjectMap or JavaMap that is required for performing transactional interaction between an application and a BackingMap object. However, the transaction changes are not applied to the BackingMap object until the transaction is committed. A BackingMap can be considered as an in-memory cache of committed data for an individual map. For more information, see Use Sessions to access data in the grid.

The BackingMap interface provides methods for setting BackingMap attributes. Some of the set methods allow extensibility of a BackingMap through several custom designed plug-ins. See the following list of the set methods for setting attributes and providing custom designed plug-in support:

// For setting BackingMap attributes.
public void setReadOnly(boolean readOnlyEnabled);
public void setNullValuesSupported(boolean nullValuesSupported);
public void setLockStrategy( LockStrategy lockStrategy );
public void setCopyMode(CopyMode mode, Class valueInterface);
public void setCopyKey(boolean b);
public void setNumberOfBuckets(int numBuckets);
public void setNumberOfLockBuckets(int numBuckets);
public void setLockTimeout(int seconds);
public void setTimeToLive(int seconds);
public void setTtlEvictorType(TTLType type);
public void setEvictionTriggers(String evictionTriggers);

// For setting an optional custom plug-in provided by application.
public abstract void setObjectTransformer(ObjectTransformer t);
public abstract void setOptimisticCallback(OptimisticCallback checker);
public abstract void setLoader(Loader loader);
public abstract void setPreloadMode(boolean async);
public abstract void setEvictor(Evictor e);
public void setMapEventListeners( List /*MapEventListener*/ eventListenerList );
public void addMapEventListener(MapEventListener eventListener );
public void removeMapEventListener(MapEventListener eventListener );
public void addMapIndexPlugin(MapIndexPlugin index);
public void setMapIndexPlugins(List /\* MapIndexPlugin \*/ indexList );
public void createDynamicIndex(String name, boolean isRangeIndex,
String attributeName, DynamicIndexCallback cb);
public void createDynamicIndex(MapIndexPlugin index, DynamicIndexCallback cb);
public void removeDynamicIndex(String name);

A corresponding get method exists for each of the set methods listed.

BackMap attributes

Each BackingMap has the following attributes that can be set to modify or control the BackingMap behavior:

The following example demonstrates how to define the someMap BackingMap in the someGrid ObjectGrid instance and set various attributes of the BackingMap by using the set methods of the BackingMap interface:



ObjectGrid og =
BackingMap bm = objectGrid.getMap("someMap");
bm.setReadOnly( true ); // override default of read/write
bm.setNullValuesSupported(false); // override default of allowing Null values
bm.setLockStrategy( LockStrategy.PESSIMISTIC ); // override default of OPTIMISTIC
bm.setLockTimeout( 60 ); // override default of 15 seconds.
bm.setNumberOfBuckets(251); // override default (prime numbers work best)
bm.setNumberOfLockBuckets(251); // override default (prime numbers work best)

BackMap plug-ins

The BackingMap interface has several optional plug points for more extensible interactions with the ObjectGrid:

For more information regarding plug-ins, see Introduction to plug-ins.

Parent topic:

Access data with client applications

Related concepts

ObjectGrid interface

Interacting with an ObjectGrid using ObjectGridManager

Data access with indexes (Index API)

Access data in WebSphere eXtreme Scale

Use Sessions to access data in the grid

Cache objects with no relationships involved (ObjectMap API)

Cache objects and their relationships (EntityManager API)

Retrive entities and objects (Query API)

Configure clients with WebSphere eXtreme Scale

Related tasks

Program for transactions

Configure the lock timeout value

Related reference

Connect to a distributed ObjectGrid

Constant field values


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